I understand that the government needs a certain amount of money to function and provide the basic services I want and need.
It seems that anytime a politician wants to introduce a new tax, it comes along with the promise that it’ll somehow save us money in the long run.
I’m always in favor of systems that place the cost on those using the service. For example, when I go camping at a state park, I pay all the fees with no complaint—I don’t think it would be fair for my fellow citizens who dislike camping to have to pay for my vacation.
Anyway, this is a small, local issue, but government has done one more thing to make me not trust it.
Nearly two years ago, the city I live in (Malden, MA) introduced a new fee for trash pickup:
Pros: People who are too lazy to recycle, puchase items with ridiculous oversize packaging, or simply have a large household will now pay their fair share, instead of me having to subsidize their bad habits.
Plus, I’m strongly in favor of taking good care of the environment. I can think of several friends who didn’t recycle before, but now do. I think that’s great.
Also, I live alone, already recycle everything I can, and just bring my trash to work, so this new tax doesn’t really affect me very much.
Cons: The city “forgot” to reduce people’s property tax to compensate for this new tax they’ve introduced.
The tax on the very modest 2-family home where I live is $3600 per year. If this home were to put out four of the $2 trash bags per week, that’d be $416 per year, or an 8.65% tax increase, according to my math.
In 1980 Massachusetts voters got tired of this and voted for Proposition 2 1/2 to prevent such drastic tax increases.
It appears to me that the city doesn’t want to abide by the law, and has instead found a trick to raise taxes, under the guise of “times are tough, it’s the economy” and “it’s for the environment.”
In summary: I’m so torn as to how I’ll vote in November. (It’ll be on the ballot again.)
This new system is exactly the kind of thing I’d vote for under normal circumstances: End the practice of some residents subsidizing other neighbors’ trash pickup, and help the environment all at the same time.
On the other hand, the local government is doing nothing more than stealing from us. We’re paying more overall to get the same level of service we had in 2007.