Do you watch next week's previews?

So, I’m a huge fan of “24” – it’s the only serial type show I’ll commit to watching. But there’s a ritual in our household. My wife and I finish watching the episode, and then I leave the room – quickly – so that she can watch the previews for next week’s episode.

For me, previews are designed as a way to tease you and entice you to tune in the following week. My feeling is, I already know I’m going to be watching next week, so why in the world would I want to remove any of the element of surprise? Not to mention the fact that previews are just going to put questions in my head that I’m going to be left pondering throughout the week. I honestly don’t understand why Jakeline enjoys watching them.

So I’d be curious to get an idea of whether each of you does or does not watch previews, and what your reasoning is. Also mention if your feelings changed based on the type of show you watch. For instance, I don’t mind watching previews for something like Malcolm In The Middle, because we’re not taking about giving away clues to a continuing story line in the same manner as “24”.

And just in case there’s some wildly unexpected correlation I haven’t thought of, please include your sex and age (approximate, if you wish) with your response. Thanks!

*I realize this is a poll, but I figured it was still most appropriate in CS. YMOMV (Your Moderator’s Opinion May Vary).

I watch the previews for those shows I actually watch, because I am secure in the knowledge that by the time next week rolls around I will have forgotten everything from the previews anyway. A good preview segment can be priceless (I’m thinking of some of the ones from Moonlighting specifically).

Of course I watch them. I also read spoilers sometimes.

I could easily have written this. I don’t spend a whole lot of time pondering what might happen next, and if I avoid the previews, every new episode is a complete surprise to me.

It is a PITA avoiding spoilers, though, having to bolt out of the room, looking like a loon, during a baseball game because a commercial for 24 comes on. And it’s especially hard when there are SO MANY SPOILER BOXES in this week’s discussion thread.

I was going to suggest that we were perhaps long lost brothers, until I saw that you were a Giants fan instead of a Dodgers fan. Perhaps you are my evil twin.

Nevertheless, I completely understand what you mean about having to duck 24 commercials. My wife thinks I’m a freak, but if I’m watching Fox for some reason other than 24, I always make sure the remote is nearby for exactly that reason.

Paranoid? Crazy? Yeah, maybe. So what?

I don’t mind the things really. I’m not about to run out of the room to avoid spoilers.

On thing that gets me though is DVDs that leave those previews in. I just skip 'em–I mean, geesh, the next episode is right there on the same disk, I’m about to watch it anyways…why do I need to watch the preview?

Most of them weren’t spoilers, but mere speculation.

Now THIS is a spoiler:

Please tell me that so-in-so was wooshing me when he said Jack killed Nina.

I don’t watch the previews, or the “previously, on 24” before the show. My time is valuble, dammit! Since I TiVo everything (you can bang out a 30 min sitcom in about 20 min and an hour show in 40-45min), it is very easy to skip the bits you don’t care to see.

I don’t care one way or the other, but my wife…
If it’s a show she likes, then channel shall not be changed until the preview is done. If it’s a show she really likes, she’ll move heaven and earth to get spoilers. It’s kind of endearing.