Do You Work on the Day After Thanksgiving?

I work in an office. The office is closed Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week every year, this year is no exception.

Me, too.

I’ve had office jobs for my entire career (market research, and now advertising). I’ve worked for three different companies, and each of them have always been closed on Thanksgiving, and the Friday after.

For that matter, the ad agency where I work now closes at 1pm on the day before Thanksgiving. And, we’re closed between Christmas and New Year’s, too. Yes, I know, I suck. :smiley:

Regular job, no. But during the holidays I put in a few retail hours, typically. And one of the things they ask all the temps is, “Can you work the day after Thanksgiving?”

Now, last year, oddly, they did not schedule me for that day. An oversight, I’m sure. They made up for it by making sure I missed every single party I was invited to. This while working about 12 hours a week.

Japan’s not big on celebrating the day colonists and natives came together to eat a meal 6500 miles from their country. They don’t even give the kids the day off school. Buncha commies if you ask me.

I was going to take it off but then, on Tuesday, the Powers That Be decided to close the office on Friday so I get to stay home and save a vacation day.

I work for a gigantic health care network. Thursday is a company holiday, but Friday isn’t. My coworker and I can’t both be off at the same time, so she gets the family holidays and I get the drinking holidays.

Yes. I’m in my office now. Healthcare never sleeps. I did have off yesterday though, so I guess it naps. :slight_smile:

No, and I did not have to take a vacation day, and my place of employment is not closed.

So I cannot play in your poll. :mad:

Yes, the library is open and everybody has a foul look on their faces.

I’m a government contractor. The base is open, but the majority of people take the day off. IMO, this makes it a great day to go work because there’s little traffic and it’s nice and quiet, so I can get things done. If only every day were like this…

Yes, though I shouldn’t be.

I work for a university, and this is an official holiday, but I work in a hospital, and like others have said, they don’t close. Essentially I’m the unlucky one in my department who has to come in a “hold down the fort” today. I don’t work in a department with any direct patient care, so we don’t need a full staff…just me.

I do get time and a half, though, AND I get another day off I can use later. Even though I’m not happy I’m working today, it works out to be a sweet week for me. Even if I didn’t get time and a half today, I will still be at ten hours of overtime this week…hmmm, since my work day today is 12 hours, all of those ten of overtime are today…and I get time and a half already for a holiday…do I get time and a half ON TOP OF time and a half? Two and a quarter for those ten hours?

I’m at work right now. It’s officially a paid day off. :frowning:

I work at a church, and didn’t finish some stuff that they need for the Sunday service. So even though it’s a paid day off, I’m here. (On the upside, I’m getting time and a half on top of what I’d normally make for the day, so that softens the blow a bit.)

Yep, work for the Guvmint, and I am working today as most of the office took leave, but I have no family so I volunteered to be one of the few that are in. Likely they will let us go home a hour early.

I am at work right now, and damn, am I bored out of my mind. I got caught up on the stuff I didn’t do Wednesday, and now I’m just sitting here. I was one of those suckers who lacked the foresight to schedule this day off ahead of time. You can hear a pin drop in here. I work for a bank, more specifically, finance crap.

self employed gardener, working today… if it’s sunny, I go to work.
I’d take the day, but it rained last Friday and the gardens are getting ahead of me…

The university I work at was closed on the Monday, but it was business as usual and back to work on Tuesday.

Posting from work. Two of us here instead of the normal 30-35. We sent each other emails to verify on the system that we are here for time keeping.

We call out randomly to assure that one of us is still alive; not suffering from dememtia; suffering brain cramps. There is no “dead man switch” on the computers to stop the company from spiriling out of control should one or both of us die or go bonkers.

I’m sure these situations have been the plots of many “B” novels, movies, or science fiction stories.

I don’t get paid any extra for working the day after Thanksgiving, but we got a 20lb turkey from the boss (I am a secretary at a tiny little company) :smiley:

I voted “No, I had to take a vacation day.”, but I can flex over a month, and I’m actually taking my Veteran’s Day time.

Actually, I’ve got a bit of a scam going this year. My old job gave us four “floating holidays” at the beginning of each year (in lieu of President’s, MLK, Columbus and Veteran’s days), and I always take those first thing. I switched jobs mid year, so I picked up a couple extra Holiday days this year. :cool: