Doctor Who: Last of the Time Lords (Spoilers ahead)

Overall I enjoyed this 3 story arc to end season 3.





*Things I liked: *
The fake super weopon to destroy Time Lords.
It looks like Martha might be gone already.
An unexpected visit to the Titanic with the TARDIS as the iceberg?
*The Master had some great lines: *
“Say hello, Gandalf… Except, he’s not that old. But he’s an alien with a much greater lifespan than you, stunted little apes. What if it showed?”
"The human race. Greatest monsters of them all. "
“It’s always the women.”

Things that bugged me:
The Doctor is Tinkerbell? WTF? Why didn’t they clap their hands while saying Doctor?


Dammit, I liked her.
Do any of our British Dopers know about the rumor that Martha

Joins the cast of Torchwood? When?

Jack is or may be The Face of Boe?! That literally froze me in place for almost the rest of the episode.

She will at least be a special guest star on Torchwood.

This is a real spoiler, but general knowledge in the UK:

Martha is in three episodes of the second series of Torchwood (nearly finished filming), and returns to Doctor Who in the second half of the fourth series (started filming). The new full time companion for series 4 is Donna, played by Catherine Tate (The Runaway Bride). I have high hopes for this combination. There are a few more spoilers if you’d like them

In the original script, the plan was to have everyone think “deus ex machina,” but it was decided that having everyone think of the Doctor instead was a better idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

I KNOW! There were three frozen seats in my living room. Looked like this → :eek: :eek: :eek:

Re: Martha. I liked it. Far less dramatically tortuous than last time and yet satisfying. I’m glad they’re not going to make every change a huge scenery chewing love story.
I still miss Rose. :frowning:

I’m more concerned that Time Lords resemble house elves in old age.
Consider Time Lord nursing homes; “Nurse has given the Doctor a sock…”

Interesting, he reminded me more of Sméagol.

I was trying to be kind.
“Nurse has brought the Doctor a cookie. Is it tasty? Is it crunchable?”
“We hates the Daleks. We hates them forever.”

I try to watch all the new episodes of Doctor Who but I have missed some. Can someone tell me

What the heck is meant by “The Face Of Boe” and why were they surprised that it may or may not be Jack?


Amp: This link will probably be better: Jack Harkness - Wikipedia

Damn, that’s right up there with Funky Winkerbean in messing with a character.

The Face of Boe (spoilers in wikipedia article) has been in several episodes, and finally died in one not too long ago. He’s this gigantic face floating in a vat of liquid, vaguely Native American looking, in an alien kind of way. He’s wise and very, very old, the oldest thing in the universe. We (the Doctor and audience) got sentimentally attached to him without knowing a thing about where he came from or who his people are/were.

I can say again: I did not hate this episode that 90% of the rest of the population seemed to - sure, I wanted it to be more, to be Earth-Shattering, but I blame that more on the five episodes before it just being so wonderful that there’s really nothing that could have stood up to my, or anyone’s, expectations. I did not have a problem with “tinkerbell” Doctor, because at least there was some attempt at psuedo-science behind it, with the 15 Archangel satellites. And, crazy enough, I enjoyed the Christ-imagery, because the Doctor gets his God-hood taken away from him, his forgiveness rejected, and maybe now everyone who’s been calling for his Cosmic Smackdown will shut the F up.

Of course, I don’t believe for a moment that the Master is dead. I also don’t believe, as some do, that it was the hand of the Rani we saw in the last moments. I believe it was Lucy - perhaps they had an agreement, that if he were captured she would kill him? Although, that doesn’t explain her chanting “Doctor”…

Speculation ahead regarding the Christmas episode…

I don’t think that’s the real Titanic. If you’ve seen any pictures of Kylie’s outfit, it’s hardly period. Her character’s name is Astrid, which, interestingly, is an anagram of TARDIS…

I don’t think anyone in this thread mentioned hating the episode. I listed a single thing that bugged me, the Tinkerbell thing. When I saw the Titanic, I immediately hoped that it would be the Spaceship Titanic from Douglas Adams. I would enjoy that twist.

If you mention anything else about future episodes, please include it in spoiler tags. I assume Kylie is Kylie Minogue(sp?)

I thought that and the Doctor returning or being healed or regenerating as the same guy or whatever it did was goofy, but I remember watching Tom Baker. :slight_smile:

I thought that was due to the telepathic sattelite thingy? The general population of Earth overrode the Fear message that was being broadcast and essentially hijacked the signal. There must have been some moment at which their communal efforts broadcast “Doctor” into her, eh?

Makes as much sense as anything in the Whoverse, really. I’ve learned to just ignore the “science” and enjoy the “fiction”.

It’s maybe worth noting that the version of this episode shown on Sci-Fi was edited down from 52 to 45 minutes (by the BBC, unusually).This scene was pretty much the first one in the original broadcast.

There was a lot of hate for this episode floating around when it originally aired in the UK. The thread at that time was mainly negative, as I recall.