Doctor who performed abortions shot to death.

… at his church.

I was trying to think of a debate, or putting this on MPSIMS, but if it is demonstrated that anti-abortionists did this I know that my choice of words will not be allowed in other forums.

The shooters are bastard murdering terrorists…

Don’t have a lot to say about this one. Just slowly shaking my head.

Remember about a month ago when the righties got all indignant about that report warning to be on the lookout for right-wing extremists?

It’s be quite a coincidence that it would be for any other reason, wouldn’t it? That said, I’ll stay my tongue on the topic until an a motive is determined. Or until I change my mind later this afternoon.

Are you sure? I remember some folks being indignant about a report saying something like ex-military people might be vulnerable to being recruited into right wing extremist groups. I could be wrong, but can you give us a link to what you’re talking about?

Where is the Bricker outrage now? Right wing nut finally kills right wing Bill O’Reilly’s target O’Terrorism and the righty who would have all the lefties denounce the unfortunate policy positions of the wacko lefties has nothing to say about a Right Wing American Death and Terror Squad execution. Or he just hasn’t checked in yet today? I denounce it, the anti-abortionists and Bill O’Reilly who has named this victim many times.

Yeah, I kinda wanna see some input from the “lefties are hypocrites” crowd on this one.

What you got, folks?

That was just one section of a ten page report.

Here’s a link that has the full report. It was comissioned by the Bush Administration.

Well, I don’t think all lefties are hypocrites, but either way, I don’t get your point. Of course, anyone who calls himself a pro-lifer ought to condemn murder, no matter what the motive, or that person is a hypocrite. I seriously doubt you will find a pro-lifer on this board who would support such vigilantism…I certainly don’t.

I’ll never understand why people are so goddamned opposed to abortion to the point of being ready to KILL the people who practice it. You know what the problem with the world is today? THERE ARE TOO MANY GODDAMN PEOPLE. Any system that reduces the amount of people that will be born should be considered heroic, and not only tolerated but federally subsidized. Why do people get abortions? Because they have decided they are not ready or not willing to raise a child. Isn’t it better that the child not ever be born, than that it’s born to a woman WHO DOESN’T WANT IT? What kind of people are these aborted fetuses likely to grow up into, under those circumstances? It’s better that they are not born at all.

I’ve yet to see a pro life organization turn in one of these fellow travelers before he commits his violent act. Why is that?

I have no idea…I don’t know if he’s part of a “pro-life organization,” or if he is, if they have any way of knowing that he’s a psycho.

Simple, they don’t consider it murder; to them the abortionist is making a living by “murdering” unborn “children”. Killing the abortionist prevents him from “murdering” more “children” and discourages other doctors from performing abortions.

They may not be saying it out loud, but I bet this shooter is going to turn into another pro-lifer hero like Eric Rudolph. I remember seeing interviews with the good people of Murphy, NC just after his arrest; they didn’t see what the fuss was about, as he hadn’t done anything wrong. :rolleyes:

Women get abortions because they are not ready and willing to be pregnant/give birth. Plenty of people give birth and have the kid adopted. Willingness to raise the kid doesn’t factor into it.
No, it’s better that the kid be born to a woman that doesn’t want it than to be killed.
They’re likely to grow up to be like other kids that have been adopted. Mostly healthy, and most importantly, not dead. It’s better that they are born.

That being said, I’ll second that you’re not likely to find anyone defending the shooter. Not that I’ll shed a tear for the doctor or anything.

There is a lot of debate about whether abortion is murder . There is none about shooting and killing him though.

You see, the anti-abortionists think the abortion doctor is scum and should be killed, just like you think that the robber from the other thread should be killed. If you support vigilante justice, don’t complain when it doesn’t go your way.

The police have a suspect in custody now. No reports yet on who he is or why he did it.

My local newspaper’s comments section is filling up with people praising the murder of this doctor.

He was killed in church, where his wife was singing in the choir. I wonder if the killer made it to church before rushing out to shoot someone?