Wildest Bill Yet AGAIN!!!!

Are you out of your stupid rotting skull, you dumb man!!!
(Crow T. Robot)
What the FUCK? Doctors who perform routine abortions are “Baby Terrorists”, and you can understand why someone would get so upset that they bomb an abortion clinic?

Fuck you. Fuck you up the ass sideways with a rusty meathook covered in emu feces.


Goddammit, Bill, I think they should make ignorance illegal! Do you have any fucking idea what an abortion entails, how it is performed and why? Fuck off, you stupid dicking goatsuck.

Gee, WB said something supid, again. (yawn)

::changes channels::

[talking to self]stupid, stupid [/tts]

I think my sig describes Bill to a T.


Your mother should have used more soap on that mouth of yours. Not very lady like.

Secondly, yes they are butchers. Yes, I know what abortion entails. It entails killing baby for money because the two so-called adults were irresponsible and now they want to kill a innocent party because of their mistake. Did I miss anything?

I don’t much like being in the pit. And probably won’t respond anymore to this profanity jibberish. If you want to get out the gutter, come back up to the GD and want to discuss this rationally without breaking out your sailors dictionary bring it on.

Yet you seem to end up in here as much (if not more) than any other user.

Does that tell you anything?

Bill, the day you debate a thread rationally (‘towel heads’ and ‘baby terrorists’ the more recent examples of your attitude) is the day this board shuts down.

Oh, Bill, get a clue. Abortion’s not only performed because “two people made a mistake.”

Abortions are ALSO performed because of rape, incest, and health issues that could cause the mother’s death.

Or it is the mother’s fault that she got pregnant because of that?


with all due respect, bill, in all the time ove lurked and posted here, ive never known you to discuss ANYTHING rationally. why should guin think yer gonna start now?

aww, shit. dont encourage him, essvee. i forgot. so sorry, citizens.

Evidently “rationally” means “without swear words.” It has little or nothing to do with logic or common sense.



I don’t your sig fits me to a T. NOBODY has ever called me boring in my life and my mother use to call me “charmin Billy”. A jerk maybe I have been called that once or twice. :wink:

Ok esprix how about “politely”? The logic and common sense varies with opinions.

Make it 3 times Bill … You’re a jerk.

Oh, yes - “polite” is defined by insulting doctors, insulting all Muslims and ignoring facts put to you so you can justify your moronic behavior.

Dammit, Merriam-Webster needs to be updated again - according to Bill!



does the sailor’s dictionary have commonly used phrases also? i really want to know what “shiver me timbers” and “blow me down” are all about. where can i get a copy? i cant seen to find one in the local library…

(its been closed down ever since the clinic next door blew up and collapsed on the roof)

here’s proof bill cant think

Bill you are a bore according to m-w.com “A tiresome person.”
Let me expand the defintion a bit, since I couldn’t fit the entire thing into my sig.

(Sydney J. Harris Last Things First 1961)

Come on, guys, we all know that Bill is one load his momma shoulda swallowed, provided that oral sex was legal in the state in which he was born. I am dealing with him just fine in GD, and despite the fact that his views are inherently offensive, he has not crossed the line with me at all.

Is this really necessary?

So Bill, you understand people who are so fanatical in their religious beliefs that they’re willing to blow up abortion clinics, but not people who are so fanatical in their religious beliefs that they’re willing to crash planes into the WTC?

Apart from scale, what’s the difference?

Like I said I don’t consider them doctors. I do, however, think caller abortions quacks doctors is insulting to doctors. I didn’t insult all Muslims I just insulted the ones that kill Americans. If we have to do something radical to the whacked out terrorist that might offend Muslims to prevent them from killing more American so be it.