Does adding the modifier "Donkey" make things sound dirty?

Here’s what I mean. Following are some made up terms that have no slang meaning (as far as I know), but seem like they should mean something vaguely nasty.

Donkey Ring. :eek:

Donkey Milk. :eek:

Box. (noun or verb)
Donkey Box.

Even worse, make donkey the noun and wrestle with Ring Donkey, Milk Donkey or Box Donkey. If you answer “yes,” why do you think that is?

** inspired by the poster, cheesedonkey

Because of the term “donkey punch,” that’s why.

Thread over.

Well, ok, but donkeys don’t do that. Considering it’s really a rabbit punch (so named after a method of dispatching lagomorphs), one must wonder why the term got changed when it reflected something truly nasty. So why donkey?

For what it’s worth, “milk rabbit” sounds vaguely cute.

You stupid donkey!

Sounds more like Gordon Ramsay than dirty.

Donkey Porn

… My god, you are right!

And Donkey Show.

Because he goes EE-AWWWW when she goes tight.

And yes, adding Donkey to things does make it sound dirtier.

I voted no, but I wanted a ‘not very’ option.

Prefixing Donkey, to me, most usually means inferior, rough, ersatz or make-do, for example

Donkey Rhubarb = Japanese Knotweed
Donkey Tea = a drink made by infusing burnt toast in hot water

Donkey Kong!

Donkey Butt

As a kid I never played Donkey Kong because it sounded so dirty. I’m not kidding.

No, because I have no idea what those terms are supposed to mean, and probably am going to be happier if I remain ignorant.


The terms in the OP don’t mean anything as far as I know. But if you were to hear them with no context, they might sound sorta nasty (“onion ring” is another such term).

Definitions spoiled to keep Chefguy happy.

[spoiler]“Donkey punch” refers to a questionable sadistic sexual practice involving punching the recipient in the back of the head with the intent to cause a seizure.

“Donkey show” refers to a staged sex act between a donkey and, typically, a woman.[/spoiler]

Upon reflection, I really don’t know much about donkeys. Are they notoriously randy and open minded?

Well, they’re notoriously well endowed, thus the term “donkey dick” (more donkey dirtiness! :D).

Putting it in front of “hotey” just makes it sound more cultural.

I had an Egyptian teacher one tell me the correct pronunciation for that guy was “Don-kee-shot.” I disbelieved, but was left wondering what would be meant by Donkey Shot. Could be gross, or as mangetout might interpret it, could just mean 1-2 oz of cheap homemade liquor.

Yeah, but change it to “hotty” and we’re right back to dirty.

Heh heh, I’d like to tilt HER windmill!

We always called cheap whiskey donkey piss.