Does anybody know a good PC building URL?

Um as the topic says does anybody know a good PC building URL ? I last built a PC way back in 1995 technology seems to have changed judging by the guts of a friend’s PC .So does anybody know any good links for ‘modern’ PC building?

Does anybody think , i’m being a bit dumb for considering building a PC of my own with only PC knowledge of 5 years ago? . This old PC is turning into a bucket of bolts , but I don’t want to buy a premade one since they are usually made from the cheapest parts. Anybody any opinions?.

Are you looking for a place that gives recommendations on configurations or just a place that lets you pick what you want and it shows you the price? This url will let you pick each part and show you a price. It’s a Canadian site though. At least you could get an idea of what motherboards etc are available these days.

This thread has some discusion of putting a system together. Somewhere in there Tattva recommends checking out Tom’s Hardware Reviews.

Hope that’s a little help.

The most popular site is

Good hunting!

:sigh: :wishing the site was fast enough to use Preview on every post:
The most popular site is ** **

Good hunting!

I love these guys…they are in love with cool pc builds and show some very cool ideas (ever wanted to build your case in a perfect rendition of a Borg Cube? Plus this place is hardware tweakers heaven

Plus they have better technical data and opinions on the hardware than most of the cnets and pc magazine people out there.