Does anybody remember these toys?

Eraser animals?

They used to be given away as gifts when you went to the dentist. My family (five siblings–I think they were obsolete for the sixth) together had at least thirty. I can’t find them any more.

Have a happy second childhood , Twung!

How about that bazooka type gun made by Mattell. You pumped it up and it fired off a “sonic wave” of energy. It would knock over things at close range and if someone shot you with it you it felt like a pulse of energy hit you. Neat toy, had one years ago and wish I still had it.

I remember that one. “Sonic Blaster?” It was yanked from the market because it was dangerously loud at short range. I believe it spawned the current wave of car owners who believe car stereos must vibrate the car out of focus on every bass note. As children, these folks had their hearing damaged. As young adults, they believe sound exists only if it thumps the sternum.

Those are toys? They’re like, somewhere between rocks and clothespins on the FUN scale.

Thanks, dono :slight_smile: The websites are along the right order but not the same as our animals.
I used “toys” to be slightly descriptive w/o using the specific word. Plus in our family they were toys, we used 'm for I-Spy.
Some “cow” and “cheese” erasers have come up. Don’t know who the manufacturor is.

I used to have a dozen or so animal erasers when I was in school…bought 'em at the school store. I lost all of them years ago. :frowning:

They didn’t look like the ones dono linked to; they were more 3-dimensional.

The 3-D ones are a little more expensive.

Oooh, they have dinosaur erasers too! :cool:

I should probably state at this point that I have no affiliation with Oriental Trading. mrso was a Girl Scout leader for many years and ordered a lot of stuff from them. Even though daughtero is now 22 years old and mrso has not been a leader for a long time, we still get about a catalog a month. So when I saw an “animal eraser” thread, I instantly thought “OT”.

Now, ask me about popsicle stick picture frame kits! :wink:

Couldn’t magnify those images. Hard to tell if 3-D Toys are right…could those maybe be plastic? They stand up like my family’s old old Winnie and Eeyore figures.

Have a look at the classic Pia Zadora film Santa Claus Conquers the Martians sometime. One of the Martians uses one of these to “freeze” the elves in place. What’s hilarious is that he cocks the damned thing befiore firing it again. Looks really stupid.
I know it’s an awful movie, and MST3K did it one year for Christmas, but it was a surprisingly big release when it first came out, and even had its own comic book adaptation.

I had a Sonic Blaster as a child, too. It was fun. Also had Mattel’s Creepy Crawlies (not sure of the name). It was a small electric heater with various metal molds. You’d pour coloured goop into the mold, stick the mold on the heater, and wait until it hardened (well, semi-hardened; the finished critter was very rubbery). From what I remember, the molds were mostly insects and spiders, but there were probably other things you could make.

Also had a Vacu-form. Put a sheet of plastic over the heating element; once it got soft, you’d push a handle up and down to change the shape of the plastic to whatever mold you put in.

And who can forget Johnny Lightning? It was like a self-contained Hot Wheels. The advantage was that it didn’t take up a lot of space and you could play it on a table top. The disadvantage was that it didn’t take up a lot of space, so you couldn’t have yards and yards of yellow track running throughout the house.

Am I just a bit older than most posters here, or did I go to a lo-tech dentist? I used to get those 3-piece balsa wood airplanes that came in the long plastic bags at my dentist (c. 1970). The “fuselage” had a slit in the middle for the “wings”, and one at the back for the “rudder”.

Jeez, all I ever got were cheezy ‘diamond’ rings from the dentist. You folks got the cool stuff.

Those look similar to the ones I’m talking about.