Does anyone else do this?

I have my computer set up on a big desk and right next to it is my TV. When I watch movies I always bring up IMDb on the computer and during the commercials I check out the user comments, trivia, actors & actresses. Anyone else do this?

I’m on my laptop in the living room at the moment. It’s pretty often I’ll flip it on and look up things I see on TV. I’ve hit imdb a few times duing a movie to see what else an actor has been in.

I don’t have a TV at home but if I am watching a movie at work, I’ll sometimes ask my boss to check out IMdb for any number of reasons.

The last specific time I did it was about a week ago with* Kindergarten Cop* – I wanted to see who one of the kids in Schwarzenegger’s class was.

Sure, I just looked up The Day the Earth Caught Fire.

I have a TV on my desk and occasionally I’ll use imdb to confirm the prescence of an actor I think I’ve recognized. Just last Thursday during ABC’s broadcast of Saving Private Ryan I thought I recognized Nathan Fillion (later star of the short-lived series Firefly and checked to make sure.

He plays Private James Frederick Ryan, incidentally, the first (and incorrect) Private Ryan found by Tom Hanks’ squad.

What is it about putting the computer in the same room as the TV?! My husband insists on this and it drives me crazy. Do you listen to the radio and watch TV at the same time? Do you read a book and watch TV? Aargh!

Bryan Eckers did you know that they are making a Firefly movie, called Serenity?!

(Sorry for the hijack. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.)

Yeah, actually, I do. I’ll stop if it really bothers you that much :wink:
And, a big Yes to the OP as well :slight_smile: Usually when there is an actor I recognize but I can’t remember the name - that kind of thing…

Hah! Okay, bad example. I actually read books during commericals quite frequently, but I still find it irritating to be in the middle of Regency House and have the City of Heros sound effects come squawking out of the computer speakers.

Well, yes, actually. There have been several Café threads on the series and the upcoming movie. This is the longest.

Of course, those of us with TiVos (and/or HBO) don’t have time for commercials :smiley:

I consult IMDB after every movie I watch. It’s a given that there was an actor that I recognized, and can’t remember where from, or an actor I’ve never seen before, but really enjoyed, and want to know what else s/he’s been in. That and I love checking out the trivia and the goofs.

I can’t remember the last time I watched a movie without checking IMDB after. I love it!

I usually check out the critics at:

before I rent a movie or go see it at the theater. If most of the critics rate it low, I figure it’s not worth the effort.

I also look at IMDB, mostly for the actors and what they have been in before.

Me too! Me too! Sometimes I have trouble following the movie because I’m thinking about what I want to check on IMDB when it’s over.

My TV and computer are in the same room (the joy of a laptop and wireless home network is that my computer is where I want it to be) and I’m so frequently referring to IMDb that I made it a toolbar favorite for one-click fast access. I’ve toyed with making it my home page so that all I’d need to do is open a new tab and it’d be there. Might be worthwhile, I’m always interested in ways to save myself a click. :smiley:

I have my computer and tv next to each other, and when I watch baseball, I have either or up so I can keep track of the pitch count and whatnot, and to see what happened while I was up going to the loo or getting more beer.

I have an internet computer hooked up to my HD tv. When I want to look up something, I switch it to Dual Picture. I have the seond window already set to aux video 2, so I see my computer screen when I bring up the second screen. I not only do this for movies, but for sports as well.

Hell yeah, the IMdB is a great help when you want to get back to concentrating on the movie and stop being distracted by “Where have I seen that guy before?”

Of course, I’ll also run to Google when I vaguely recognize a snatch of something and want to know exactly what it is. “Oh… the Bhagavad Gita. Okay.”

I do this sometimes, especially if I see someone in a movie and I’m going “I know I’ve seen them before, but where?”

We’ve paused movies to go look them up on IMDB, upstairs.

Of course, we will rewind a movie a hundred times to find a continuity error or shot of the crew, so we’re not exactly normal.

Not yet but we plan to in the near future.

I actually get frustrated that my wife has to pause a movie, so she can go to the Home Office area to look something up on IMDB.
I recently restored a couple of old laptops and got wireless network cards for them, just for that very purpose. All I need to do is buy and install a WAP and we’re set.

Then, FINALLY, I will be able to watch a movie without interruption.