Me me me me me.
I hate driving. I’d much rather be reading.
I grew up in the DC area, too, interestingly enough. I’ve lived in other places, and I’ve driven in low-traffic conditions. I’d still rather be reading or daydreaming.
I have nightmares about getting in an accident and having it be my fault. I’m always extremely relieved when I realize those were dreams. I don’t generally enjoy being in control, because that means I have a chance to screw things up. I’d rather be in a plane, where, if anything bad happens, at least it isn’t my fault.
My dreams in which I’m driving are almost uniformly bad, come to think of it. There’s the one where I cause an accident, and there’s the one where I’m driving a car but it’s out of control. There’s the one where I’m supposed to be somewhere at a particular time, and I can’t find it, so I’m driving around and around- often, I can see it, but I can’t figure out how to get to it. And then there’s the one where I drive off a cliff, just like that scene in Groundhog Day (that rather bothered me in the movie…) I don’t know what that says- probably that I don’t like driving.
I don’t even like riding in a car on a winding road, since I tend to get motion sick. I don’t mind riding in a car on a freeway, though.
Mr. Neville hates driving probably even more than I do, and amazingly has even less confidence in his driving skills than I have in mine (I didn’t think that was possible until I met him), so I end up doing most of the driving. Every time we’ve looked for a place to live, though, it has had to be somewhere where we don’t have to drive everywhere.
We don’t take long road trips- if it would be more than about four hours, we fly. I’m not a germophobe- I figure, if there’s something going around, I’m going to get it and there’s not much I can do about it other than get a flu shot. The bus therefore does not make me think of disinfectant. I never really care about being around people with colds- colds just aren’t a big deal unless you have some sort of immune system problem, which I don’t. Yeah, they kind of suck, but so do lots of things.
I hate looking for parking. I’m not terribly good at maneuvering in tight conditions, so there are some parking spaces available that I’ll never be able to get. I can parallel park, but not as well as most people.
Taking the bus to the grocery store does suck, though. I’ll give you that one.