Does anyone else suffer from weather related headaches/migraines?

I haven’t had this problem my whole life, just since my daughter was born two years ago.

I can predict the weather (rain mainly) anywhere from six to fifteen hours out of when a storm front is coming in. * I rarely, if ever, watch the weather on TV * so it is not some sympathy-pity-me-attention-getting thing. If I want attention I’ll just have a temper tantrum, TYVM :smiley: It is getting to the point that my head is more accurate at predicting the weather than the weather guy on TV. ( Prior to kids I had a far more accurate method of predicting the weather based on…yes…Cows.)

It starts with a dull headache and turns into a Migraine if it is a large pressure front. Sometimes I wake up with a bad headache and it is a blue, clear sky, by night fall, the storm is over our house and you’d think it was the End Of The World kinda storm.

If it were not for a friend suggesting Excedrin Migraine I would be in complete misery until things blew over. Now, because of this wunder OTC pill, my head does not ache as much ( if at all) and I get a caffeine related buzz for most of the day. Yea! (YMMV)
My husband knows I am not insane, but he thinks this thing happening to me is “just plain weird” .
Does anyone else suffer from this?

Yes, and I always have. My left eye waters, too. I get a dull, cloudy feeling in my head, as well as pressure and pain. I feel extremely fatigued until the storm arrives. Caffeine is the only thing that helps, but not very much. I always joke that I am allergic to changes in barometric pressure. The same thing happens on foggy days. Welcome to the Weather-Predictor Headache Club.

And my family thought I was weird. For years, whenever the barometric pressure rose above 30 I would get massive headaches. Fortunately, they have become less frequent as I :::sigh:::get older. I get irritated and restless until the storm actually arrives.

Excedrin Migraine works very well for me also.

When I was living in the DC area a few years back I would get “ozone headaches” during the summer when the air pollution index was on high. Kind of like sinus headaches except there wasn’t any mucus in my sinuses at the time.

Yep. A friend just pointed me to this thread, 'cause I’d just mentioned to her that at this very moment I’m going through one. I checked the weather radar, and it turns out there’s a storm about to hit this area.

I find it’s more reliable than the barometer on my watch.

Yep, Shirley. I get them too. Really bad. But Excedrin Migraine really doesn’t work for me. I just suffer. Usually in the dark, with a cold cloth on my head and hiss at people who dare come near me.

Now on to something more important! Tell me about this cow thing…

No really - the curiousity is killing me! :slight_smile:

Yeah that some others suffer from owning a **Doppler Head **. I feel your pain!
**And now for something completely different **

The Cow Report.

I live on the outskirts of Metro Detroit. It is rural here with the farmers selling off their property at a rapid pace to the uber-yuppies.The nice landscape is being raped and pillaged.

Down the street from me there was a cow farm. About twenty head of moo cow. I drove past them every morning and evening on route to work.

I started noticing the cows and what they were doing (seemingly nothing) and how it related to the weather. Yet, all the time they are chewing their cud and looking serene in their pasture, they are SuperDuper Weather Barometers. I wouldn’t be surprised if NASA hasn’t utlized their udderly incredible Bovine Technology.

If the cows were standing up outside of the barn: the weather was going to be nice.

If the cows were laying down outside of the barn: the weather was going to be spectacular.

If half the cows were in the barn and the other half outside (standing): overcast with a chance of rain or snow.

If none of the cows were out, it was going to be a craptacular weather day ( usually before noon) and it would be best to call in sick to work. (because usually by quitting time, the road conditions were awful.)

I use to have clients call me in the morning for the *Offical Cow Report *. It was very humorous and pretty damn accurate. I always thought, and still do, that a **Offical Cow Report ** to the farmers across the nation by a radio station would be fun.

" Say, what is the **OCR ** in Assboink, Nebraska?"

“Whelllll, Buttercup is layin’ down in the pasture, but ol’ Clem refuses to come out of the barn. Partly Spectacular to Moderately Crappy by late afternoon, is my guess.”

Sadly, the farmer cashed out and sold his cows and property and now I have to rely on two methods of weather prediction: *Doppler Head * and *Doppler Dog * ( My dog is a fair weather predictor. “If dog is shaking violently, a thunderstorm is directly overhead. If dog is wet and shaking violently, it is raining and thundering.” ETC.