Does anyone have updates on these?

  1. The anthrax investigation. What happened? Has anyone been arrested? Is this just old news? Was any serious investigation actually done? Are there any conspiracy theories concerning our own government involvement in this episode that just won’t go away?

  2. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Bush’s stated and oft-repeated reason for raining destruction on Iraq. It seems clear that none have existed for at least ten years and that he knew it. Any new info on this charade? Or are we still attempting to pretend that the real reason was Hussein’s persecution of his people?

  3. The Terrorist Threat Level Color Code: Did all those colors just run together into a shade of beige? Are they still in effect? If so, why aren’t we told what color we should be afraid of this month?

  4. What’s happening with all those poor sods being detained in Cuba? Anyone been charged with an actual crime yet? Any legal counsel been provided?

Sorry to dredge this all up. It’s pesky when someone keeps throwing up unresolved issues, but I’m hoping someone has an inside line to the answers, since the government doesn’t seem to want to answer most of them.