Does anyone here actually like Keanu Reeves as an actor?

Or think he’s any good at it?

Put me in the No! category.

i think he is definitely a poor excuse. in every movie he plays a glorified version of bill (or is it ted? i cant remember). same old stoner-esque voice. did anyone see him in “much ado about nothing?” thats just laughable.

I like him. He has a vapid quality (whoa) that is entertaining. The Bill and Ted’s series was too funny and he played that part well. He also did ok in that movie where he was a surfing FBI agent who cracked the President’s bank robbing scheme. What was that called? Point Break? He isn’t the best actor but I know he does much better than I would ever do on stage.

Now the actors who played on Small Wonder (the evil that should not be named) on the other hand are completely awful and make me wish capital punishment for them and the writers. Blah, that sitcom scared me in its total crapitude.



She’s fantastic, made of plastic!

Jeeze, even the little boy was bad to an extent one normally reaches only after years of experience. (pulling the thread back to the OP) Much like Keanu Reeves. Sqrl, you just like him 'cuz he’s cute. Which is a perfectly good reason to like a bad actor. There’s Shelley Long in my past.

I like him, but then I’m contrary. I think his worst problem is that he’s typecast, everybody expects the vapid surfer-boy thing, so those are the roles he gets. Check out The Last Time I committed Suicide for a departure from the “whoa” Reeves.

I don’t think he’s Academy Award material, but then neither is Russel Crowe, fer chrissakes. He should stay away from Shakespeare, at all costs though.

ahem I need to make an announcement…[sub]I liked Keanu in The Replacementsand in A Walk In The Clouds.[/sub]
You may now continue with ripping him to shreds.

Dropzone, remember what type of guy I like? I think Keanu Reeves looks like a nasty ass crack head. But the one roll he can play is entertaining enough. I don’t think he is particularly talented but he does fine for what he is typically cast for.


I think he was good in My Own Private Idaho, and The Matrix. That’s about it.

I make a point of only seeing Reeves in movies I have a good chance of liking. Therefore, I don’t mind him - I even like him, up to a point. He’s easy on the eyes.

The movies I’ve liked are “A Walk in the Clouds”, “The Matrix”, and yesterday I saw “Hardball”, which was very nice. (A formula “feelgood” movie, but dammit, I liked it.) He was just fine in all of these. A lot of people thought he stretched himself in “Hardball” (if you take the reviews on IMDb seriously) and I thought he was just fine too. Though no - his acting didn’t knock my socks off - it never has. But he was very effective as a hopeless loser (compulsive gambler, bum, etc.) and apparently this is a new kind of role for him. He pulled it off, IMO.

My sweet grandmotherly mom likes him a lot, because she loves “A Walk in the Clouds”. And she loved “Hardball”. I have warned her though - don’t rent any movie with him in it without consulting me first. Her illusions about him would certainly be shattered if she watched some of his many other films!

Even as a heterosexual male I find him easy enough on the eyes. That’s why the OP says “as an actor”. He’s probably a great guy, as well, and doing the best he can. I’m not bashing him as a person - I just don’t think he’s a good actor.

Maybe, but I wouldn’t hire an OB/GYN to operate on the brain tumor of a family member just because they knew more about medicine than I do.

He was ok in ‘The Matrix’ (it was the movie that was good), still I can think of quite a few who would have been better. And in ‘MOPI’ he was so dispicable, I can’t remember if I hated him or the movie.

I thought he was very good in A Walk in the Clouds, the Bill and Ted movies, admittedly not extremely challenging roles. I think he was perfectly adequate in Point Break, The Matrix, Hardball, I Love You to Death, Speed and The Gift.

For me he falls into the category of actor who is good in roles well suited to his persona, but can’t take a nothing role and make something interesting out of it. He stands out badly when miscast, as in Much Ado About Nothing, although he shines compared to Michael Keaton.

He’s a journeyman actor, but has such a distinctive screen persona that if you dislike the persona, you’re unlikely to like him in anything.

I liked him in The Devil’s Advocate, too. Plus Bill + Ted, Speed, and Matrix. Over all, I think he can be entertaining. He’s a pretty good Movie Star, although not much of an actor.

Am I the only one who liked him in The Watcher?

I thought he did a great job in “Devil’s Advocate.” Liked him in “Sweet November.”

When Miller mentioned "Devil’s Advocate’. I realized what it is about his acting I don’t like. He seems to be stage acting while everyone else in the movie is movie acting. Regardless of where he is actually looking, he seems to be ‘acting’ to the audience and it sticks out. Too much drama all the time.

So, why do you dopers not like him?
I mean, compared to Stalone, Arnie, van Damme and a whole bunch of other crummy actors he’s fairly good.

I totally agree with warmgun here…having seen more than my fair share of theatre classes and rehearsals, I definitely see that he is using theatre techniques. I swear that a lot of the time he is actually projecting, not just talking. Dammit, Keanu, that’s what the boom mike is for! This could also account for his use of only five or six facial expressions, they are less emphasized in stage acting.
On that note, I should point out that Keanu returned to his native soil to wow Canadian audiences on the stage (I think that this was in Winnipeg?). His role, believe it or not, was Hamlet.

I confess. I like him.

Yes, I know that when he’s bad, he’s just awful.

But when it works, the limited range of facial expressions comes off for me as a kind of minimalist acting, where he can convey the emotion with a few words and Face #4.

And he’s pretty.

I don’t like him much, but he was very well suited for his part in Bill And Ted (1 and 2).

He also did a pretty good job in River’s Edge and The Gift. But as a general proposition, let’s just say I won’g go out of my way to see one of his movies.