Does anyone here at all live in Kansas?

The title says it all. I’m still waiting to move to Wichita…should be a week or 2 or even 3. But not much more than that. I know noone in the entire midwest, except my Dad, and he’s in Minnesota. Which is nowhere near Kansas. Websites about Wichita scare me with how boring that city seems to be, and for someone without a car or even a driver’s liscence, it appears getting around by bus will be tough (apparently the buses don’t have very long hours.) I’m just looking for a friend or a “Kansas Mentor” to ease my transition from Married-New-Yorker-in- Japan to Single-New-Yorker- in-Kansas.

Any help is appreciated!

Well my sister lives in Haysville, which is a suburb of Wichita.
All I can say is LEARN TO DRIVE. Really, out there you need a car.
When you do start driving DO NOT LISTEN TO THE RADIO.

I was there in Octobe and it was frightening the songs that were in heavy rotation.
Then eat at BRAUMS. Mmmmmm Good Ice Cream.

I had a really long post typed out about living in Kansas…and it got lost, dammit.

Is it possible for you to learn to drive? Kansas has pretty much non-existent public transportation.

I live in Kansas City. I don’t know a lot about Wichita, but how different can two cities in Kansas be? I’ve settled here after living in a lot of places, and I like it a lot. Yeah, it can be boring, but the people are really friendly and helpful here.

E-mail me if you want to meet for lunch or something. It took me a while to find friends here, and I know how lonely it can get.

Also, we should have a dopefest soon, so you can meet some local people that way.

Why are you going to Wichita? Can’t they move you to a destination of your choosing? I tell ya, the military sounds like a pretty fucked up operation. Are you on good terms with your dad? Maybe you can just grab a bus and go to Minnesota. Or New York. Why limit yourself to a place where you have no contacts?

I always heard that there was heavy gang activity in Whichita, but maybe that’s just what people here in Omaha say. Sorry to be a downer, I’m sure it will be better than what people sterotype about the midwest etc. . .true about the driving too. Aren’t you in Japan or something now?

Wichita isn’t really that boring. There are dance clubs for different musical tastes, Incahoots (if it’s still open) is a BIG country dance club, has a dance floor as big around as a football feild. I’m not really into country, though I went there with friends. There are also dance clubs that play pop and techno/electronica, along with some rap/hip-hop/r &b. They tend to come and go, but there’s always at least one open at any given time.

Also, there are musuems , a NICE Botannical garden (Botannica), theSedgewick County Zoo , and a city orchestra and theater.
The city is large enough that the Miss Amercia paegant was held there. Also, Mikhail Barishnikov performed there in the early 90’s. (Wish I’d have been able to go see him perform.)

There are regular festivals there, and other community activities. Check with the Chamber of Commerce to find out more. Official city site.

This site seems to have good visitor info on it.

Definitely learn to drive. There is gang activity, but not as bad as Kansas City, or Dodge City (Immigrant gangs, who come to work in the meat packing plant, leave it at that.) from my understanding. It’s been “hyped” up. They have a decent police force looking out for the citizens, and anyone who lives there can warn you about what parts of town to be careful in. More you have to be wary of people picking an altercation with you because of your race, or possibly because you seem to be “pro-life” or “non Chrisitan”. There is a BIG Anti-abortion movement in that town, and Representative Todd Tiaharthas a lair there as well. Even so, it’s a cultural “mecca” compared to many of the other Kansas towns. :frowning: At least they have a symphony, and art museums, and city theater etc.

eeeh…I can’t say I’ve seen anyone getting into altercations here over religion or abortion issues. Unless you’re talking about Phelps. And I don’t think he’s representative of Kansans’ views.

The thing with Kansans, is that they have a narrower worldview than say, a New Yorker. There’s not a lot of international travellers living in Kansas. They may be suprised over some of your views and experiences, but they are friendly about it.

I live in Lawrence, Kansas (1/2 hour from Kansas City), so yes, some dopers do live in Kansas.

My only experience with Wichita is a horrible night spent in a less than swank hotel room at the Wichita airport hotel after a storm forced us not to land in KC.

Wichita is the AIR CAPITAL OF THE WORLD! so it can’t be all that bad.

My coworker grew up there and her advice is also buy a car/learn to drive. There is no way around it, so that’s something you need to do right away.

Why are you moving to Wichita anyway?

My husband is from Wichita. He liked growing up there. I am from Omaha originally. But we now live in Las Vegas. I have been to Wichita a couple of times and it seems like a nice town with nice people. I also have family in the Kansas City area (big difference from Wichta) and had family in Salina (well untill last June anyway). Where was I going with this?.. hmmmm


Definately learn to drive and get a car. Everything in the midwest is spread out and public transportation sucks most everywhere there.

Well, I spent several miserable high school years in Winfield Kansas, which is about an hour south of Wichita. Generally, I would say avoid it if you can. Not that there are not some fun things that you can find to do (this is true of almost anywhere), but I would say that my overall impression is that Kansas is rather vanilla and not charming.

I live in Topeka, the capital of Kansas, and home of Fred Phelps. If you ever need some entertainment you can come up here and mock Phred.

But seriously, I like it here, it’s my home since birth, although I have traveled.

I live in Kansas, and I have all my life. I love it! I love my little hick town of Chanute, its about 1.5 hours from Wichita. I’ve been to Wichita many times because my aunt, uncle and cousins used to live there. I prefer the suburbs though, It’s just my small town state of mind.

Oh yeah, you’re gonna be smack in the middle of the bible belt. Try and watch out for that. Many, many extreme christians will look down on you if you are not of the same state of mind as them.

Its true that Kansas can be somewhat bland at times. Its all in the company you keep, I guess. People here are extremely likeable.

Do get a car. You will need a car, and Wichita can be extremely traffick-y at times. Try for something small with good gas mileage if you are going to be commuting for work or anything like that.

I live in Wichita. Work is about to send me out of state but I’ll answer as many questions as you have for the next week. McConnell AFB?

I was born and raised in Great Bend, Kansas, which is just down the road from Wichita. I used to make the three hour trip to the “Big City” of Wichita every once in a while to visit friends and family. To me, Wichita seemed very cosmopolitan and upscale. Then I joined the military and began to travel. When I return to my home state now, I realize just how “stuck in time” the folks are. Not that that’s a bad thing - all my cousins are completely happy to stick close to home. There’s a lot of truth in that old line, “How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm, after they’ve seen Paree?”

My advice is to learn to drive, learn to fish, learn to hunt, and learn to drink Coors beer. Everything else is details.

OK acrossthesea, I read your other post about Wichita (which I didn’t see before) and I think I understand a little better what you’re asking.

As you’ve probably gathered in your research, Wichita has a largely aviation manufacturing-based economy. Because of the downturn in aircraft purchases in the last two years, there’s been quite a few folks laid off from Boeing, Cessna, Raytheon/Beech, and Bombardier/Lear. These were largely manufacturing and engineering jobs as far as I can tell. Things may be picking up in the nearfuture, but for now a result is that it’s a “buyer’s” housing market. I’m not sure how this has affected apartment costs - but there are still lots of apartments in nice parts of town. The gang comment earlier . . . like anywhere depends on what part of town you’re in. You’ll figure it out by just wandering around when you get here, and I’d say most of the town is pretty nice. Murders make the news because they’re exceptional compared to a bigger town. There’s a university (Wichita State) and a couple smaller colleges. Interested in learning to fly? Wichita’s about the cheapest place in the country to get a private pilot license. If you retain any commissary/BX priveleges, there’s McConnell AFB, possibly a good way to save money.

I don’t know if you’ve acquired a taste for Japanese food but . . . you gotta remember that Wichita is about as far from an ocean as you can get in the US. Believe it or not, the grocery store Dillon’s (Kroger) does the best sushi I’ve found here. A couple places for Japanese home-style cooking though: Mama-San’s on the west side and Japan Express in the northeast. Chop-em-up-on-your-table with an onion volcano fare is very popular here and is what the natives think of as Japanese food. Overall for restaurants you’re gonna have to search a little to get beyond Bennigans/Chiles caliber. But, we do have some favorites including N&Js for Middle Eastern, B&C Creations for BBQ in the back of a midwestern art store, The Spice Merchant for a healthy sandwich hidden in the back of a really neat stuff store.

The airport is getting better. For a while, most passengers were driving to Oklahoma City and Kansas City because fares were so high, but the city has done quite a bit to attract several low-cost carriers. My wife Pricelined a ticket three-hop from Wichita to Bangor for $180 once, round trip. $200-ish to Austin. At least double that for normal fares.

If you’re going to work at B&N, there’s one on the east side just a couple miles north of McConnell. Within 15 minutes you’ve got the spectrum of nice and moderately priced to crummy and cheap neighborhoods.

My overall impression as a transplant to Wichita is I like it, and I didn’t think I would when I moved here three years ago. At the time (pre 9/11/2001) my wife found a temp job very quickly which led immediately to a permanent job until our ankle-biter was born. I can’t speak to the job market right now other than the crummy state of aerospace. The people are generally nice, but if you want to be left alone that’s cool too. Our neighborhood is a little on the older, lower-end end, but we’ve got good neighbors who’ve been here all their lives (90 years on one side) and are very helpful and friendly. I’m not religious, but I don’t feel out of place WRT people being overbearing about religion - because most of them aren’t.

More and more I find that this, like other cities, is becoming more and more like every other city, but for some people that’s not so bad. Some people might be surprised by the diversity here. There’s not as much art, music and partying as a bigger city like Austin or New York, but there is art, music and partying. First run movies are about $6 or $7 non-matinee.

Hope this helps - if you have any questions ask away or email me directly. I’ll be online until next Tuesday, then only on the weekends for a few months. Good luck!


Hey, thanks a lot and especially thanks caligynephobia for the information.

I’ll think where I’ll be staying temporaily is near McConnell. I’ll retain all but housing priveleges until the divorce goes through, which will be awhile since it hasnt started yet. So yeah I was planning on getting my groceries there while I could.

Basically from what you’re all saying about driving and what I’ve been told elsewhere, I will need to get a driver’s licence right away and hope I save enough money to get a car quickly.

I’m not so worried about gangs. They have those everywhere I’ve ever lived. Probably have them here in Japan too.

My basic plan is get money, get apt, save money, save more money, and then eventually move either back to NY or to Seattle or San Francisco, the two places I had hoped to live in at some point in my life. The only good thing about being in the middle of the country like that appears to be that I don’t have to travel as far to move cross country.

Oh, and I am moving there because I need to stay with somebody for awhile. None of my friends or family have any room, even a couch, or they live in areas less desirable than Wichita (at least job wise). My husband’s mother offered to help me out. Although he’s divorcing me she chooses to ignore that and be a friend.

Interestingly my neighbors here are moving this week…to Wichita! I barely know these people but the fact that we were neighbors in Japan and are both going to kansas at the same time is interesting enough where I’m hoping to meet up with them eventually.

I thought your grandmother lived in NY?

I wouldn’t trust your husband’s mother. She might be a nice lady. Then again she did raise your husband. Appletrees and all that.

ouisey I’m Kansan, I used to go clubbing in Wichita. Maybe a Wichita visitor is more prone to experiencing such things than a citizen of the city would?
ATS The thing with Wichita is, there is a large amount of Christian fundies that live there, (Or there sure seems to be, maybe they are the loudest of the population, and that’s what a “non-native” to the city notices?) and anti-abortionists as well. (They had some kind of “headquarters” or office there that is part of an anti-abortion movement last I knew, unless they left? They made the news several years back with their vociferous picketing and protesting and harassing of motorists.) Just remember that when dealing with strangers, and you’ll get along ok. Do what you can not to call into question your own beliefs, let them think you believe the same way as them if you don’t know them, it’s safer. If you know them it’s a different story.

As far as the “narrow” world veiw, in some cases you’re right. However it depends on the age of the person in question, and also how they were raised. I’ve encountered people from this state that were a LOT more open minded and willing to learn about new things, than I did while in Texas for example. This to me, is not “narrow” in world veiw, just slim on world experience. Then again, I have met people from this state that have actually had a pretty broad life experience, even for a New Yorker. The New Yorker (the city) I speak of, hadn’t even seen a cow, or been out of her hometown before her trip to Kansas, she was in her mid-twenties at the time.

I didn’t mention that there are also sporting type events, basketball, hockey, and baseball I believe, and probably others as well.

Good luck on your move. It may be on a smaller scale than you are used to, but keep yourself open to the thought that this might not be a bad thing for now. Keep us updated please?

Since you still have base priveleges, McConnell has a Family Support Center that I understand is available to families of members in any service branch and can help with job search, information on all the base services that you’re entitled to WRT agencies and courses, and info on the local area. The housing office has apartment information. There’s a really good legal office on base and it will not hurt to check in there and see what they have to offer. For the most part I won’t live here any more after Saturday, but I’ll check my email every weekend after next Tuesday if you need any other assistance. I think the worst of the driving season is behind us for this year - the most recent snow is finally melting off the roads and I doubt we’ll have any more big winter storms.

Good luck!

Although I am not a native to Kansas (I was born and raised in Minneasota), I’ve live in Topeka for almost six years now. I talk bad about Kansas to the people I work with, but it’s all in fun. I really don’t think it’s not such a bad place, but I would never tell them that of course :D.