My friend told me about Firefox, and he said it was way better than Internet Explorer. Is there anyone here that can support that?
Oh, here’s a link.
I’ve been using it for a while and am quite happy with it. It’s free, so why not download it yourself and give it a try?
It’s not a huge download, go give it a try. You can always revert back to IE if you don’t like it.
I’m using it right now, and tabbed browsing is the bomb. Just right-click and hit “open in new tab” and you don’t have to wait around to see what loads, or whether it will load at all. I use it instead of IE, except for a couple things 'cos I don’t have some add-ons.
Also, the extensions are, to varying degrees, cool.
Of course, this is more IMHO than GQ. Sorry about that, mods.
You can also download an extension to enable mouse gestures, which are quite simply the best thing ever. I’m not exaggerating.
I do prefer Opera to Firefox, though. You should probably give both a go. Both are magnitudes beyond Explorer.
This is more a matter of opinion than fact, so I’ll move this thread to the IMHO forum.
moderator GQ
I have FireFox and like it pretty well (it’s been acting a little wierd since 1.0PR, or whatever you call it, but maybe it’s my computer). I like a lot of the extensions, but don’t see what the big deal with mouse gestures is. I don’t really like them. But maybe that’s because I use it on my laptop and that has one of those keyboard joystick thingies.
Been using for several months now and I think it’s great.
I don’t use the mouse gestures, but I do like being able to click the mouse wheel and having the link open in a background tab.
I like it. I’m slowly training myself away from IE. I’m still not using just Firefox, but the things I like about it are winning out a lot over IE. It was hard for me to make the change from windows to tabs, but I’m mostly used to it now.
I like the tabbed browsing, and the lack of popups. Those two things alone are great. I just have the basic download with nothing else.
I’ve never downloaded any of the extensions but on my mouse, I’m able to open a new tab with just a click of my mousewheel with no need to right click and then scroll down to “Open in New Window”. I love it.
It’s all I use now. I just now had my first crash with it, but other than that it’s been perfect. Relatively lightweight, handles every page I’ve ever thrown at it, best form completion I’ve ever seen, built-in pop-up blocking, and tabbed browsing. Excellent.
I’ve tried a few browsers and prefer Firefox. It seems like IE, but then it works better and has more options.
I agree that Firefox is great. The user interface seems designed to mimic IE, so that it should be easy for someone to switch over. It seems faster (and this is the result achieved in a review at
Nightwatch Trailer mentioned an extension to enable mouse gestures. Can you let me know what that’s called? And I’d like to hear recommendations for any other useful extensions. (I’ve only been using it for a week or so.)
Yes, go with Firefox. If for no other reason than it lacks many of the gaping security holes in IE.
This is a truly brilliant feature, incredibly useful for this board. I go to a forum, middle-click all the threads that interest me, then start loading the next forum in the original tab. While the next forum is loading, I read the threads in the other tabs. The boards’s been pretty peppy lately, but when it wasn’t this was indespensible. I simply cannot read this board on IE anymore.
Firefox recently reported a security hole in the latest version. It was fixed in a matter of days.
Here’s the link to the mouse extensions. I have the “All-In-One” version, but you may want to try out the others (I haven’t yet).
That’s the only extension I’ve downloaded since I use Opera most of the time (mostly I use Firefox for Gmail, which doesn’t work in Opera).
I’ve been using it for a few days now. I don’t miss anything about IE.
Thanks. I also wasn’t aware that you can open a link using a mousewheel click. That’s also useful.
One more question. Is there a way to change the default text size?