I suffer from depression and i find that SAM-e works well for me. dont know if its the placebo effect or what.
Anyway, alot of stressful life events occuring at the same time have triggered a depressive episode in me these last few months, dont want to go into details about how bad its been but its been really bad. I think i just realized today that the depression, not the stressful events, are what are holding me back, traumatizing me and what i need to address ASAP and that fixing the stressful event (my old plan) wouldn’t alleviate the depression most likely. So now im focusing on trying to alleviate my depression then after that address the stressful events with more competence as i wont be depressed.
Anyway, SAM-e has worked really well for me in the past and i had a few pills left over so i took 400mg around 1pm. The difference was major, depression probably went from an 8 (i hardly ever exaggerate my emotions so an 8 is pretty severe) down to maybe a 3 and it has stayed there since. However, i can’t afford SAM-e anymore. Back in the old days on ebay, noone bought SAM-e and the market was flooded with newly expired SAM-e selling at 10 cents a pill. now the market is a sellers market with tons of buyers and it goes for about 30-40 cents a pills. for a 4 pill a day regimin (assuming thats what i need) that goes from $12/month to 48/month. Not a huge difference to most people but im in college. If push comes to shove i’ll buy it at the new price but im shopping around for new drugs.
So i came across something called TriMethylGlycine, which supposedly does the same thing as SAM-e. I’m hoping that i can either take TriMethylGlycine or i can combine that with SAM-e so i only need a lower dose of SAM-e. Like take 2 grams/day of TriMethylGlycine and 400mg SAM-e instead of 800mg SAM-e like i normally do, that would cut costs alot.
However i dont know much about TriMethylGlycine’s effectiveness. does anyone have any experience with it or studies comparing it to SAM-e? It is pretty cheap (13 cents for 3 grams, 3 grams is the depression dose) but there isn’t alot of info on it like there is with SAM-e. no studies, no testimonials, etc.
Heres a webpage about it
Thanks for your help.