Does anyone know the difference b/w DVR +R - DVD -R

My first question here on this forum. I am sorry if it’s been answered before, but I could not find it.

Does anyone know the real difference between DVD +R and DVR -R. There also seems to be another category ----- DVD R+/-

I am truly confused at this point.

I went into Circuit city and Best Buy stores here and the Sales people could not tell me the difference.


They are different formats. Some drives are made for -R, others for +R, some drives can burn both kinds.

Here’s an excellent source to read up on your question.

They’re essentially different formats backed by different groups of manufacturers.

Drives that work with only one or the other are uncommon now, so if you’re looking to buy blanks, get whatever’s on sale.

This site has more detail than the average person would ever need to know about the various DVD formats.

“DVD +/- R” means the drive can read and write both DVD+R and DVD-R disks.