Does anyone remember Viva Alegra?

I watched this show in the very early 80’s called something like ¡Viva Alegra! It was geared toward Spanish-speaking children (I wasn’t one, but I know I watched it quite a bit), though I don’t remember how much of it was in Spanish. I kind of remember a skit they had with these two crows in a field, and I think they spoke in Spanish. Anyone remember this, or did I do too many drugs as a pre-schooler?

I grew up in Detroit and remember watching this as a kid. The name of the show was Villa Alegre (Happy Village). According to the Yesterdayland site, it ran from 1970 - 1980 on PBS. I don’t remember much about it, except for the opening song “na na na na… Villa Alegre!” Not sure if you did too many drugs, but the show really aired. :wink:

Don’t remember it. I thought it might be a spanish allergy medicine. :wink:

Villa Alegre
So that’s why I couldn’t find anything about it. That looks like it, judging from the Yesterdayland page. Thanks, cichlidiot. You have solved one of the most nagging questions about my childhood TV watching.

Villa Alegre – I have a record on vinyl from that show!

And I vaguely remember the song during the closing credits:

*La la la la…
Goodbye, amigos
Our show is over
We’ll see you
All later
On Villa Alegere
La la la la la la la la laaaa la la la la…

P.S. IIRC it was on either just before or just after Big Blue Marble.

Glad to help peasea. I had wondered about this show at one time, too. I asked a bunch of friends but no one seemed to remember it, eventually found it when I first went to Yesterdayland. Same thing with Kimba. Singing the songs to my friends (incorrectly with the na-nas, to boot), didn’t jar any memories for them, but I’m sure they were entertained.

I can’t believe you still have a record from that show Charmian. Very cool!:cool:

Yes, oh yes! I loved Villa Alegre! My earliest (and favorite) memories of television are Villa Allegre, Sesame Street and one other bilingual children’s show called ‘Callas Colindas’ ( I know thats not the correct spelling).
Unfortunately, since I can’t spell the shows name, I’m in the same boat you were peasea. It seems like no one but me has ever heard of it.

Seems like there were more bilingual childrens shows on when I was little (early 70’s). I really enjoyed them, and I can remember understanding everything that was said in either language back then. My dad said that I first learned to count in Spanish.

I bet the producers of these shows could really make a tidy income offering us big kids these shows on tape or DVD… I know I’d pay for them, and torture my kids with them. “Ooh, honey, come watch this with me! Its a show half in a language you don’t understand and its thirty years old! Don’t you just love it?!”

I remember! It’s hazy, but yes!