Does anyone think Canadians are exotic?

anyone?..helloooo??..we got sexy snowpants I swear.

aside from having mounties, and no army… wait, that’s nopt exotic either…
so… no, Canada is not exotic…
(P.S., I’m from MN, but at least we have the Blue Ox (Exotic dancers)

Nope, sorry, nobody.

Now, don’t get me wrong–I love Canadian women. They know how to snuggle better than anyone. But exotic? Not a chance.

you don’t count in this question…Minnesota is considered another territory of Canada.

Yes, but then I’m Scottish - maybe that doesn’t count, being somewhat unexotic in iself. Canada sends nice musicians to Celtic Connections festival. OK, well, mostly they are from Cape Breton.

Actually, I may have to retract that “Yes” because I find myself thinking

Have never met an unpleasant Canadian.

Margaret Atwood just won Booker prize.

Have unmet family in Canada (Ontario)

Basically, I mean I find that my thinking is tending towards “Canadians? Oh, very good.” And I fear that might not really add up to whatever you mean by “exotic” so I’m sorry if this has ended up being a bad answer, but I shall go and contemplate the sexiness or otherwise of snowpants.

We’re definitely COOL, but “exotic”?

I mean, are Americans exotic to us? I don’t think so. Hawaii, maybe, but…

Plus Canadians wouldn’t be exotic to me, in any case =>

The only exotic canadians I know are dancers in the “Windsor Ballet”.

I don’t think dancers are the kind of exotic you meant. (Although I do have a thing for flannel;)