Does anything increase or decrease the effects of marijuana?

I am not a smoker but most all of my friends are. When they smoke marijuana, some often start smoking cigarettes because according to them it increases their high.

Is this true?

Do any other substances increase the effects? Do any substances decrease the effects?

Also, I am not sure if these kinds of questions are not allowed to be asked on the SDMB. If I am out of bounds and breaking a rule, then I apologize and a mod can close this thread.

I’ve always heard that smoking tobacco will decrease your high.

I have heard of people smoking marijuana laced with PCP. I’m not entirely sure that this increases the effect, but all I’ve heard of PCP is that it seriously fucks you up.

I’ve heard of that as well but I always thought it was just people using extra substances to get all kinds of fucked up, not necessarily to increase the marijuana high.

I have always heard that eating brings you down a little.

Also I have noticed that if they happen to be around traumatic events, say, witness a car accident, the effect of the drug seems mild enough that they all lose their ‘high’.

I should probably preface this with a disclaimer. All my drug use is past tense from when I was young and not-so-wise, and I am not endorsing use of illegal drugs.

I can comment that eating something substantial will decrease your high for most of the tokers I have known, including myself. And any situation that would get adrenalin going tends to bring you down pretty fast as well.

I personally didn’t noticed any effect from cigs, other than they taste better after a toke. I do know one person who swears that by smoking a cig untill he coughs his lungs out, he claims to get much higher than if he doesn’t do the coughing bit. He claims its the coughing bit though, not the tobacco. Pretty annecdotal and not very conclusive, but since it’s illegal, it’s hard to find any conclusive cites.

My cousin swears that smoking a menthol cigarette after smoking weed makes you “15% higher”. You can believe that or not. I don’t, and I used to smoke weed and Newports. Not so much of either anymore.

With the same disclaimer as Mithrander:

Alcohol can decrease some of the effects of marijuana, especially the more esoteric, spacey stuff. For example, the sublime and intense power of visual art, of music, or even of simple philosophical ideas … this sort of thing is greatly reduced in impact if any alcohol is consumed during the session. For the same reason, though, alcohol could be a useful and easy way of combatting an unwanted high, if someone felt uncomfortable with vivid experiences they were getting and wanted to get their feet back on the ground.

Caveat - I stopped smoking cannabis many years ago, and don’t promote its use.

Likely due to the effects of additive hypoxia.

This would be an excellent illustration of the fact that for psychoactive drugs, many, if not most, effects are idiosyncratic, i.e. they are not experienced universally the same. What **Barrington ** reports may have been true for him or for some of the people with whom he smoked, but it is by no means a rule of thumb. There are no doubt many on the bbs who can report quite different results. Of course, this also raises the issue of insufficient funding for adequate research into the psychopharmacology of psychoactive drugs that are widely used in society, but, alas, that’s for a different section of the board. xo, C.

I’ve heard that opioids and cannibis have a great synergy. Either one increases the effects of the other, or the effects just go well together. I’ve never tried it myself, but I’ve heard from enough people to believe it.

By the way, something that increases the effects of a drug is sometimes called a potentiator. I don’t know of any definite potentiators for cannibis, although I do for certain other drugs.

Coughing while inhaling pot makes you higher. It opens your capillaries and allows in more smoke to places that the smoke normally doesn’t get to get in to.

Is that so you can get high and stay Kool?

Eating it can increase the effects of marijuana. It gets more THC into your bloodstream but it is harder to control than smoking because when you quit smoking no more THC goes into your system but as your body digests it (when eaten) it will release more THC as it is being digested.

It seems to stay in your bloodstream longer as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as decreasing the effects of marijuana, who would want to do that? :confused:

Now what can I find to dip these Doritos in, I’m out of peanutbutter and mayonnaise :smack:

Some people would - it can be unpleasant to be unable to think properly for several hours.

I think the OP’s question is an interesting one on the “decrease” side especially.

I found that when the pot buzz would start to wear off a menthol cigarette would refresh the high.

Back in the day.

Long ago.