A few years ago I bought a house. The whole mortgage thing made me nervous, and I looked into the feasibility of an all cash purchase, but both Dopers and my accountant pointed out the tax advantages of having a mortgage. So I bought the house with a decent down payment. From day one I’ve been uncomfortable with the bank being the true owner of my place, so I always pay extra each month toward the principal. As things are going, my 30 year mortgage will be paid off during year 5 (yippee!!).
Early in the course of things, Chase bought my mortgage. A few days ago they sent me notice that my last payment was no good, and I owe a late fee. The account I used has plenty of money, so I freaked about the possibility of ID theft :eek: . I called Chase, and the arrogant, sanctimonious prick who handled the call told me that since the check was no good, it was up to me to contact the bank and figure things out.
When the bank opened the next day, I was there. Turns out the check was returned because Chase failed to endorse it!!! And the bank sent the check back to Chase with a clear explanation of the problem (I have a copy of the check and note). So, I called Chase and they tell me they don’t see how that is possible, but they will investigate and get back to me in a week or so.
So, I’m pissed. Other than reversing the late fee should I expect anything else from Chase? Is there any banking regulatory folks that would take my grievance and in any way scold Chase? I lost two nights sleep and a morning’s work to handle their screw up.