Does God exist? I guess this answers the question

I believe this has been tried. Unsurprisingly, the lions were more interested in biting the man than being saved by Jesus.

So I guess his name wasn’t Daniel, right?

Of course, it’s possible that the lion had previously said, “G-d will let me kill a fresh human if he exists,” and this guy just happened to pick the wrong lion at the wrong time.

:confused: We don’t even have to throw them to the lions any more. They just jump down there among the beasts themselves.

Is this a trend? Zoos could sell tickets to the fundy feeding! Or maybe televise, and make a pile selling advertising spots!

“Daniel my brother you are older than me
Do you still feel the pain of the scars that wont heal…”

The lions prayers were answered.

[Sally Struthers] For just 10 Christians a week, you can not only feed the hungry and preserve America’s zoos…you can save Washington from Political Action Committees like the 700 Club. 699 club. 697…but that really doesn’t matter. You sending in those Christians is what matters… [/Sally Struthers]

Perhaps he should have gone with the Tiger cage.

Lions have acquired a taste for Christians. :smiley:

“Daaaayyy-veee…! What’s a Lion…?”

“Well, Goliath…” Growl rip shred

Aha! That must mean you’re Battle Pope!

Now, that explains a lot.

Dunno about the lion, but there was a story last week in USA Today about the Colorado Rockies being a Christian organization, and how some felt this revival was responsible for the team’s doing better in 2006.

Of course, as soon as the story appeared the Rockies promptly lost five games in a row and fell into last place in their division.

This doesn’t prove that God doesn’t exist, of course. Maybe he’s a Diamondbacks fan. :smiley:

Damn, that was going to be my joke! I was going to say:

Silly believer, Christians are for lions.

He should have tried the bear cage. I hear they are much more forgiving.

I heard just a moment ago that Martha Stewart has just been turned away from the lion pit at the San Diego zoo. As she was being led away, one of the guards was supposedly overheard saying, “Sorry Martha. The lions don’t want Christians with good taste. The Lions want Christians who Taste good…!” :eek:

Apparently it’s rhinos that are more forgiving.


What an idiot. If I were that lion, I’d have eaten him, too. Who can turn down a free meal?

Damned if it doesn’t.

Jesus lives in Ohio. That could explain the presence of Tim Horton’s.

A bad joke, with a point:

An old itinerant pastor was heading through the woods between settlements one day on the frontier when he was attacked by a hungry bear. Trusting in God, he dropped to his knees to pray. “Lord,” he said, “I have served you for 40 years. Now it would be too much to ask for a miracle to save me from the bear. But I ask you, make this bear a Christian.”

There was a lightning bolt, smoke filled the air, and when it settled, the bear too was on his knees. “Lord,” the bear said, “bless this food before me of which I am about to partake…”


< snicker > Reminds me of how when these “Prayer Warriors” showed up in San Fransisco protesting gays or Halloween or something like that, some counterprotestors waved signs saying “Bring Back the Lions !”. Looks like they did.

I also recently read stories about lighting striking kids praying around a metal cross in Mexico, and a woman struck by lightning while praying.. God’s on a roll, apparently.

“Christians: Its What’s For Dinner.” :smiley:

On the other hand, we now have proof that lions definitely exist.

Years ago, I had heard this joke too…from the priest who was holding mass at church. He then followed it up with the verse that Lord Ashtar cited, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” A joke? Probably. A modern day parable? Definitely.