Does it hurt your hands to wash them?

Maybe the water is too hot or too spiky. You could have a cut or a rash or a scar. Does it hurt when you wring your hands together?

I voted no, but honestly, I don’t know. I’ll have to try it some time to be sure.

It feels pretty good, actually.

How can water be spiky?

Only on the right. I had a small/minor stroke and the left is sort of numb to many sensations.

When I feel stressed or nervous or ill at ease, washing my hands with hot water and soap is very therapeutic.

It feels good.

Feels fine to me.

I wash my hands slightly less often than Lady MacBeth (dozens of times a day) and they’re fine. You’d have to scrub hard and often in order to cause any discomfort.

No. Sometimes the water’s too hot, but that’s not really pain so much as normal levels of sensitivity to temperature.

I feel extremely uncomfortable rubbing my hands together when they are dry, but I’m not bothered when washing them.

However if i wash my hands with soap from a public washroom(or certain creams, shampoos, hair gels, sunscreens, etc…)i will get a very bad rash on the palm of my hands that stings and itches, causing blisters that burst, and finally drying out leaving peeling skin for a couple weeks. THAT hurts.

When it’s got frozen ice crystals in it.

Not all the time, but it can happen in midwinter, when my hands get cracked and dry and the water’s too hot.

Yes, mostly in winter. It suddenly stopped one week when I was housesitting. I figured out it was my soap at home. Softsoap liquid (or generic versions of it). I can’t figure out which ingredient specifically bothers me, but it’s something in SOME soaps, but not all. I’m ok with Dial and Method. And I can use softsoap, just not exclusively.

I have a lot of pain washing when my hands are really cold, like after handling raw meat. But if there’s no meat and no softsoap, I’m usually ok.

Not unless I’m on the verge of frostbite.

Oh, except like Fair Rarity, when I worked somewhere they used Softsoap exclusively. That caused all my fingertips to peel and crack.

I don’t know how to explain it, but I know exactly what the OP means. Sometimes the water does feel spikey, but usually if it hurts to wash my hands it’s because I nearly always have a cut or torn cuticle that hurts when it gets wet.

I jammed my finger (sprained it) and now it hurts to wash my hands.

That’s what I thought. There’s no way that washing your hands would hurt them, unless you used stinging nettles or rose thorns as the washing detergent.

It might hurt when I wring my hands together if my hand is cut or the water is scalding hot. But I think that’s normal for anyone. Under normal conditions however, I feel no discomfort.

CIB: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.
Doctor: Then don’t do that. Or at least do it more gently and carefully. That’ll be $100 please. Pay the nurse on your way out.

I’m not quite understanding the point of the OP. Unless you (any you) have an injury or chronic condition, nothing about daily life should ever be painful. If it is, either you’ve got one of those conditions or you’re doing it wrong.