Does revealing that the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago for top-secret nuclear weapons documents give would-be defendant Trump some legitimate cause for grievance that would help his case? At what point would DOJ have to draw the line despite all the fake outrage over the FBI raid? What line does DOJ not cross under any circumstances no matter how much the Trump base protest?
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the OP.
You seem to be suggesting that it would be somehow acceptable if Trump was hanging on to nuclear weapon secrets since he left office.
OP is incoherent. Try again please.
Draw what line?
What does the DOJ have to be careful about not revealing so as not to jeopardize their case against Trump if it comes to an indictment against him? I’m assuming they would have revealed nothing to the public had it not been for the media outrage over the FBI raid. There is a line (in terms of secrecy) that they will not cross, despite protests.
Listening to CNN, it seems that there are some documents so secret that even revealing their existence would be a national security risk. That’s the line I’d draw. I don’t see how revealing that Trump had such documents lying around his very insecure residence would help his case at all.
From a defense lawyer’s position what does opening up this case to public scrutiny (other than rile up Trump’s base) do for Trump’s defense if any? Is there a a method behind the madness?
Well, yeah, since it’s standard operating procedure that the FBI doesn’t comment on an on-going investigation no matter how famous or obscure the person being investigated that’s a no-brainer.
Trump is going to rile up his base regardless. It’s how he rolls.
Trump is implying there was something wrong done or he’s being persecuted for nothing. Trump also claims he’s not allowed to reveal details of the search warrant, which is untrue, he’s allowed to talk about it. By unsealing the details of the search warrant Garland is trying to put to rest that something sinister or political is involved, and he repeatedly pointed out that Trump is entirely at liberty to reveal this himself and chooses not to, preferring to, as @Octagon put it, “rile up his base”.
It’s like Trump saying he can’t release his tax information because he’s under audit - yes, yes he can. He is as free to release that information as any other politician, he just doesn’t want to do so. But rather than just say “I don’t want to” or “I think that should remain private” he lies and says he can’t, even though he can.
Revealing the details of the warrant are in the public interest, if (?) Trump has committed treasonous acts or misdemeanors the public surly has the right to know. Since Trump himself is talking about the warrant then he doesn’t really have an argument against revealing the details will be detrimental to his public image. Let the American people decide for themselves whether or not Trump is being persecuted or whether he is just another cry baby criminal.
If national secrets are of a concern they can edit out details and then see if the Trump defense team questions the omissions. I’m betting they won’t.
Clearly it’s a treason trap! If Trump reveals what was in the warrant/files, then he has to reveal the US’ secret Time Travel T-rex Taskforce (T-4orce!™), which is treason! They’re just trying to get Trump!
This is excellent. You should pitch this to whoever does the Power Rangers or something.
And please please please let the time machine be a train, travelling through a tunnel.
Wait, do the Feds have a key to the copyright office like they do the patent office? (it was in a movie about nasa it must be true)
Psssst: The patent office and the copyright office are the “Feds”.
Oh right, heh heh
I meant does Nasa have a key to the copyright office like they do the patent office. Honest, it was a typo
He has a semi-legitimate defense. The FBI should have known that those nuclear secrets were not in Mar-a-Lago; having been sold to Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud by Jared Kushner for 2 Billion dollars.
Has news broken that the FBI failed to find the documents they were looking for? If so, I missed the news, but that does seem to be the implication of your post.
I believe he posted in jest.
Thanls Broomstick. Do you happen to know which article and clause of the Atomic Energy Act restricts a president from declassifying documents pertaining to nucler weapons?
No, I am not familiar with government security classifications. That’s more the domain of my sister who used to work for the Department of Defense but… she doesn’t talk about what she did there. Ever.
Twice-impeached President Trump: “I’m above the law!” That’s about it.