I quit smoking about 5 years ago, and aside from a few relapses during drunken nights out with the boys, it’s been pretty smooth sailing. My wife, Heather, and I have been together for close to 8 years, so she knew me when I smoked.
Well, the other night Heather was telling me about her day at work (she’s a nurse), and I was having a really hard time following her. I had to ask her to stop and repeat herself 3 or 4 times. Finally, she looked at me and said, “You know, when we were first going out I thought you were so intelligent and insightful… I swear you’re getting more stupid as the years go by. You’re turning into a total dumbass.”
Now of course she was kidding (for the most part) and we both laughed, but I think she’s right; I am getting stupider. Things that I used to love reading and talking about take me hours to comprehend. And, I think it has to be for one of the following reasons:
She’s on to me and has finally realized all the pseudo-intellectual crap that I used to spew was nothing more than garbage.
Like she said, as I am getting older, I’m getting stupider. or,
Smoking made me smarter.
I’m going with reason 3. Here’s why: when I smoked a cigarette, I inadvertently was forcing myself to take the time and break away - to relax, reflect on the days events, let my mind unwind. At work, I had to step outside to smoke, so I removed myself from the stress of that environment. At home, I would either sit out on the front porch, or kick back in the recliner and peacefully watch the smoke rise in the air. But now that I don’t smoke, I go through my whole day either going "La de da de da… ", or stressing out.
So, what do you think has not smoking made me stupid?
(As a side note, I would like to add that I do not intend to start smoking again, and that I joined this message board in the hopes that y’all would help me kick my brain back into gear. Coz I not stoopid. really! )
(Side note #2: Happy Birthday, Heather!(Apr. 14th)
Well, it could have something to do with the years of suffocating your brain. The smoke would actually make you STUPIDER, because less oxygen will get to your brain, causing some mild problems in there.
Scientists have shown that smoking improves memory.
I don’t know about intelligence but maybe there’s some indirect link.
Also you’re probably starting to go senile. Sorry.
Here’s a cite on the effects of nicotine on the human body.
“It stimulates memory and alertness, enhancing cognitive skills that require speed, reaction time, vigilance, and work performance.”
johnny fishface, there are other possible causes for your purported loss of with-it-ness. Aging dumbs you out in many ways. So does poor nutrition, lack of exercise, excessive drinking, smoking too much weed, and using brain-builders like Prozac. People who take a multi-vitamin daily, walk more often than semi-annually, stop juicing so hard, leave the weed for week-ends, and try life without prescription pharmaceuticals have a big advantage in facing life. Increasing your physical well-being can make you feel better about yourself and help ease worries about the inevitable decline of your synaptic connections.
Here’s another report on a double-blind study concerning the effects of nicotine on short-term memory. I gotta admit I was skeptical of jonnyb’s assertion, but apparently my doubts were ill-founded.
I think there might be something to this. I think you might be able to concentrate more on detail (like the story in the OP) if you allow yourself little breaks to let your mind go. At least, I do. I’ve often thought that if I am ever able to stop smoking that I will still take 5 minute breaks here and there to clear you mind and relax. Try taking a walk, or something like that.
Even if smoking does improve your memory, that doesn’t necessarily correlate to better concentration, which sounds like the problem from the OP, IMO.
Two things about smoking… One, nicotine does have an effect on your congnative abilities, and they are surprisingly positive. Two, there’s a regular, relaxing breathing pattern to smoking that also aids concentration.
So, since taking up smoking just isn’t worth it for the cognative bump, I would recommend that when you’d normally take a smoke break, take an air break instead. Step away from what you’re doing, get some air, get some movement.
Also, check into some books/classes on yoga or other breathing techniques. Many martial arts also include breathing techniques as important aids to centering one’s self.
Smoking also gives the smoker a delaying tactic that the person needing their attention doesn’t realize is a delaying tactic. So just be a little slower answering your wife, take the moment to think and see if you come up with better answers.
Nicotine has a short-term effect on your memory, sure. But smoking Marlboro’s won’t exactly turn you into Feynman either. The effect is probably small and temporary. For that matter, it also is purported to decrease your chance of Alzheimer’s, but that could be because your risk of dying of something else is bigger.
I’ve been struggling with nicotine addiction off and on for about a year (in other words, I can’t stop smoking) and I’ve noticed a pretty strong connection between smoking and concentration and presence of mind. I thought I was going senile for a while, even after getting over withdrawal symptoms, until I started smoking again and suddenly quit doing stupid things all the time. Now I hope to find some non-lethal substitute for cigarettes.
Hang in there, bro. It’s worth it. It probably took me three tries to get it right, but you’ll be amazed at how better you feel in the morning when you wake up. Those aches and pains go away.
To everyone else thank you very much.
I exercise a little bit and take daily vitamins, but I don’t think it’s enough; I’m going to look into the martial arts thing - I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. crc You’ve got eagle eyes. I did a search and didn’t turn up anything. Obviously, I didn’t hit the right key words.
If you want something with similar stimulant properties but less nasty, switch to caffeine. Otherwise listen to Mozart (that one’s no joke–studies have found that classical music aids concentration). Meditation and exercise also seem to help.
I work with the chronically mentally ill. Cigs obviously make them smarter, as nicotine counter-acts the side effects of psychotropic medications. (Anxiety, tremors, concentration.)
Don’t ya just love the drug that eliminates the craving it creates? I was planning on stopping a week ago, & then my life went to hell. It is counted as a success if I don’t take up heroin, or crawl into a bottle of scotch & die.
Pick your battles. Once I get over this rough spot I’m going on the patch.
Smoking or no, it’s those drunken nights out with the boys that are making you stupider. There is far more evidence that binge drinking causes brain damage, than there is evidence that smoking makes you smart(!).
Good luck, Pink. Ever thought to use Zyban with the patch? I’ve seen some good results with it. I tried the patch, the gum, and that thing with needles, too. Yeah, morphine. Finally IV nitro drip did the trick. Got it for my MI, never went back to queen nicotine again. Don’t really advise that route.
If smoking makes you smarter, then explain why most of the dumb ass aggressive drivers have a ciggy in hand or mouth? Does it make them so smart they know better than the traffic laws, and laws of physics? BTW, when PlanDaughter had to go to driving school, nearly all of the other students were outside until the last minute before class, smoking away.