Does someone out there have an actual degree in Baloney?

You have a degree in Baloney

Has anyone, ever, gotten a degree in baloney, as in “Yeah, I wrote my doctoral thesis on Italian deli meats.”?

Ah, I thought you meant something like a chiropractic certification. :slight_smile:

Probably more likely to have a degree in Bologna, the city.

Considering the agriculture degrees you can get at places like Penn State and Texas A&M, I would think so. I was surprised years ago to find you could get degrees in single instruments (such as cello). Since then the shock factor has dropped to almost zero.

Maybe a degree in Baloney - Foolish or deceptive talk; nonsense: I don’t buy it—it’s all a load of baloney Otherwise known as Politics.

food engeneering in a food science department would slice it.

Since the reference in the OP is clearly meant as a joke, let’s move this to Cafe Society.

General Questions Moderator

A bachelor’s degree is probably too broad to really specialize, but I could imagine a master’s degree or PhD in agriculture, food science, nutrition, or dietetics that primarily centered around a study of the deli meat. E.g. an MS in agriculture could involve a thesis on the minimal amount of farm infrastructure necessary to support self-contained and consistent bologna production. An MS in nutrition could explore to what extent switching from hot dogs to bologna affects colon cancer risk.

And it looks like there is actually a university in Bologna, Italy where you could actually do a degree, but the degree would be from Bologna, not in Bologna.

E. E. “Doc” Smith was famously a doctor of doughnutry, so I suppose a doctor of baloney is a possibility.

There’s Janeal Yancey, who has a Master’s and Ph.D. in meat science, conducts meat science research, and writes a blog about meat science. She isn’t specifically focused on baloney, but she has written about it.

As a matter of fact, it is believed that the very first university degrees ever to be awarded were in Bologna.

If you look at the university’s course catalog, you’ll see a lot of classes in Italian history, culture, literature, etc. I’m sure a determined graduate student could put together enough course work to specialize in the* topic *of Bologna.

From “Cheers:”

Frazier: I’ve been invited to lecture at the University of Bologna.

Coach: Hah! Who’s the Dean? Oscar Mayer??

I’ve got a Ph.D. in BS. Close enough?

The clip in the OP is one of my all-time favourite Futurama moments.
Personally, I have degrees in Commerce and Engineering, so I guess I could build Baloney and then sell it.

By the way, the homeopath’s degree is from Evergreen State, which is a real school and though a fast glance at their curriculum looks heavy on both the touchy and the feely, I don’t see any obvious baloney.

On further research, Matt Groening went to Evergreen State. I don’t know if he got a degree but if so, I presume it was not in baloney.
I presume he ate a lot of baloney, though.

There’s a Media Studies dissertation to be written on Baloney the Dinosaur.

The reference is a joke, the question was serious. I’m dissapointed with the results so far though. :slight_smile:

And after several years only now I realize that the Homoeopathic quack gets blasted with a high pressure hose with 100% water. :smiley:

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary has a program in “Butchery and Charcuterie Management.” Close enough?