Heck yeah!
I just noticed today that it’s almost the end of March. Wasn’t it New Year’s very recently?
A couple theories why this happens
**1) **When you’re 5, 1 more year is 20% of your life-till-now.
And if you count that we have memories starting at around age 2, 1 more year is 33% of your conscious-life-till-now.
When you’re 35, 1 more year is 3% of your conscious-life-till-now.
So, 1 more year when you are 35 is a much smaller proportion of the life you have lived till now, and so seems less significant than 1 more year when you are 5 years old.
**2) **As a kid, it is like you are an alien on a new planet, always learning new things about it (things fall, broken things can’t be put back together, fire burns, there is no Santa, math, history, etc)
As an adult, you know most of what there is to know about this planet, and so months or years go by before you learn anything new and exciting.
So, days seem very similar to each other, which makes it harder to remember individually, and makes them blend into some amorphous past
**3) ** As you grow, your metabolism slows, and most likely the rate at which you process information.
For small insects such as flies, which process information much faster than us, time goes by very slowly (e.g. 1 minute seems to take a long time). For large animals, such as elephants, which process information slower than us, time goes by faster (e.g. 1 year seems very fast)
If the above is correct, then as we age, we process information slower, making us perceive that time is going faster.