Does Tony Robbins have acromegaly?

Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker.

Acromegaly, the hormonal disorder causing excessive growth.

Does the former suffer from the latter?

He’s only 6’4". That’s pretty short for someone with acromegaly.

And these are the symptoms. Does he appear to have many of them?

Not quite. I’ve heard several sources claim 6’7" and from seeing videofootage, I’d agree. Based on some photos, I’d understand someone thinking he has acromegaly or Marfan’s. Above all, a towering ego.
Birth date - 2/29/60. Leap Year. Tony is only 11.
Wife - Sage Robbins. They were married on Valentines Day, 2002.
Height - 6’7"
Weight - 265 lbs
Shoe size - 16
Favorite color - Navy, burgundy and gold
Dog’s name - Buddha. 85 lb Pit Bull. Grrrrrr…
Favorite Meal - Caesar Salad, Mashed Yams and Grilled Swordfish
Hobbies - Polo, Scuba, Snowboarding, Basketball, Helicopter and jet flying, riding his Harley Davidson
Ambition - to make a greater difference in the world every day
Favorite Sports Team - 2002 USA Olympic Snowboard Team
If Tony could have a super power what would it be? Teleportation

Acromegaly occurs in adulthood, so it doesn’t necessarily affect height.

And Tony Robbins definitely shows some of the signs of acromegaly – it produces very distinctive facial features, which he has, though not to an extreme degree. It’s possible he had a pituitary tumor which was removed, therefore stopping the effects before they got too bad. But compare Tony Robbins with an acromegaly sufferer. Here’s another one. Notice especially Robbins’ large, thick hands, the height of his head, and the prominent cheekbones, nose, and brow.

Nowadays, if a person seems to have some features of acromegaly, it’s probably more likely due to them taking growth hormone injections (true acromegaly is pretty rare).

I always wondered whether the hero of Lillehammer, Johann Koss, looked a bit acromegalic. Interestingly, he looks less so now. Either he’s been cured, or he’s stopped a nasty habit.

How about this guy? :wink:

Any ideas why he might have taken Human Growth Hormone? Is there some reason for that practice other than a lack of natural growth hormone, which he plainly doesn’t?

Could it have to do with his self-improvement thing?

[Family Guy]

Tony Robbins HUNGRYYYYY…

[/Family Guy]

Andre the Giant

Richard “Jaws” Kiel

Tony Robbins is just a big guy with craggy features he’s not acromegalic or on growth hormone. He’s 45 years old and he’s been huge since he was a kid. HGH is not in the picture.

See this pic

Hmmm, this thread got me wondering about Ron Perlman. He’s a damn big guy, and I always thought he kinda looked like he had some kind of growth hormone thing going on.

In addition to …

  1. real acromegaly

  2. acromegaloid features due to the (potentially illicit) administration of Growth Hormone (a recent and I suspect increasingly frequent development)

  3. some rare familial syndromes

  4. use of minoxidil (!) (presumably not the topical preparation for baldness)

… there is a fifth “cause” or at least association. Specifically, severe insulin resistance (which, I suppose, couples with as yet unknown ‘permissive’ or ‘facilitative’ mechanisms) to make some people look acromegalic. This paper was one of the first, and certainly (IMHO) the best, to study the concept in detail. Basically, the patient described therein was resistant to the glucose lowering effect of insulin, but not to the effect of insulin to promote protein synthesis and cellular proliferation. To quote the last line of the abstract:

Interesting stuff.

Though he does not have acromegaly in the classic sense of the disease. He was diagnosed with a tumor on his pituitary gland that caused acromegaly like effects during his teen years where suffered from tremendous growth spurts resulting in his 6’7" frame.

So. are you saying he turned into a zombie? And now how huge is he today?

[inga] “He vould have an enormous schwanzstucker.”[/inga]

Yes Tony Robbins very definitely has Acromegaly. (not acromegaly like effects) It was caused by a Pituitary tumor which he still has but which is not causing excessive release of GH

In his own words during an interview with Playboy in 2013:

"PLAYBOY: You didn’t mention your height.

ROBBINS: My height affected me in an interesting way. I was five-foot-one my sophomore year of high school and became student body president. I was the short fat kid who worked his guts out and was mouthy to anybody who gave him crap. I don’t think it was height that allowed me to impose my will, but I had an incredibly intense will and a competitive spirit. That year I tried to get the head cheerleader’s attention, but the noseguard of the football team poured chocolate milk all over me. I smacked him as hard as I could and said every four-letter word I knew. Then I ran like hell. But I wasn’t very fast.

PLAYBOY: Your legs have gotten a lot longer.

ROBBINS: I grew almost 10 inches my junior year, but I didn’t discover why until I was 31 and a doctor told me I had a tumor in my brain. That was a brutal day, a moment of humbling disbelief, anger and doubt. I’d been healthy as a horse but was told I had a rare disorder called acromegaly, which caused the excessive growth spurt in my teens. At six-foot-seven, with size 16 feet, it didn’t take a brain surgeon to tell me that. He recommended surgery, but I never had it. And I’ve never had a problem. If I’d listened, they would have cut out a piece of my brain."

Robbins has the classic features of Acromegaly besides his height. Very large hands and fingers, large feet. His face - the square, extra large very squared jaw, protruding lower jaw, ridges above brows. When he was in his 20’s, although he was tall, his face did not have the Acromegaly features which generally show up later in adulthood toward middle age.

Younger Tony (20’s?) from a video
Older Tony - classic Acromegaly bone structure and jaw is apparent. Brow ridge visible also

When I saw this image of the classic Acromegaly facial features… I suspected that Tony Robbins has Acromegaly and researched it, and for sure he does!

What a relief! I was afraid he was a zombie.

If he did have he wouldn’t see it as a problem; rather he would see it as a gift – an opportunity to learn, grow and give more to those around himself.