Does Trump get indicted?

It is an interesting question and I don’t know why I’m punishing myself by wading into this, but things like this are reasons that former office holders should not be criminal charged, or at least not be in danger of incarceration barring the most extreme circumstances. First, whatever the merits, it just looks like banana republic third world shit which is very bad for the country. Of course, I fully concede that Trump bears most of this blame for his “lock her up” shit in the 2016 election. AFAIK, that was the first election where such a charge at one’s opponent was a thing.

Second, it brings into question the issues that you pose. How is a former president going to do prison time? We give him guards if he decides to go to the corner grocery, but for some white collar crime we are going to throw him in gen pop to be raped and murdered? Again, some of you might secretly (or openly) enjoy such a thing, but let’s be reasonable: you don’t want to see that happen to a former president and it will not realistically happen.

Finally, this will escalate quickly. How many local prosecutors, with designs on higher office, and living in a one party politically dominant area, will be tempted after this to start indicting every ex-president from here on out. It is pretty much conceded that with overcriminalization everyone commits a few felonies from time to time, so these individuals would not even be putting their law licenses at risk.