Does Vista Create A New Restore Point Daily

I have a quick question regarding restore points, in Vista.

I used to have dial up and I noticed Vista automatically would create a restore point daily.

I now have DSL and I finally had a use to use the restore point feature and when I looked at the restore points I noticed Vista was no longer doing this.

It DOES automatically create a restore point if I update windows, or when I uploaded the newest verstion of Malwarebytes but other than that it’s no longer creating a daily restore point.

Is there a reason it stopped doing this? I looked in Vista help and it says

Did I accidently uncheck something? Or anyone have a clue.

My first thought was some kind of malware on my system, so I updated Malwarebytes and ran a full scan. No problems. I updated Spybot and ran a full scan. No problems. I updated AVG and ran a full system virus scan. No problems. And lastly I ran Windows Defender and no problems.

I also made sure all my Windows updates (patches and such) were up to date and they are.

So any ideas why Vista no longer creates a restore point? I have 250gigabytes of free disk space so it isn’t a size issue.

It does by default. Take a look at this and see if you find the problem.

Wow thanks a lot

Oddly enough my history says a restore point WAS created hmmmm…

The only thing I can think of is because when I switched to DSL the computer stayed on and connected. Before I powered it up and down and a switch was checked

Only perform if system is idle for 10 minutes. So I unchecked that and we’ll see. If that fails. I’ll try powering it up and down.

I just read about malware secretly taking over your computer and doing things like changing settings. With dial up that is a near impossiblity because of the slow way things download, you definately know when anything tries to go into your computer