Dog friendly beach around Hampton Beach, NH?

Is there ANYWHERE I can take my doggie to swim in the ocean around Hampton Beach, NH? I was trying to plan a trip from Vermont out there to pick up some fresh seafood, and thought I would take my dog for her first swim in the ocean. But it appears after Googling that dogs are allowed no where, whether on sand or in water.

Seems kind of weird that the local police can prohibit certain animals from swimming in the ocean. It’s the frickin ocean for crying out loud. It covers 3/4’s of the earth! Do I have to rent a boat and take her 12 miles out into international waters so that she can swim around for half an hour?

A lot of beaches allow it from Labor Day to Memorial Day only. I just asked the vet techs here on the North Shore, and the only place they know of right now that dogs can use is Nahant, which is quite a bit south of Hampton. There’s supposed to be a sign somewhere there that says “dog beach” and off-leash is permitted. If you go that far out of your way it might be worth a call to the town to make sure it’s really so.

Most of the beaches in New Hampshire are owned by the state, and the state usually doesn’t allow dogs into parks and beaches. If you can find a town-owned beach, they may allow dogs early in the morning or late in the evening. I’m not sure but I think Foss Beach in Rye may be owned by the town. The Rye town website seems to be down, so I can’t say what their policy is.

There are beaches just over the Maine border that allow dogs in the summer, but only early in the morning or late in the evening. The closest to Hampton is probably Crescent Beach in Kittery. The town website says

Plum Island in Mass. allows unleashed dogs from October 15 to May 15. It is about 12 miles from Hampton Beach.