Must see! For all you doggie lovers and nature lovers. Just saw this on-line today (although apparently it’s been out there for a while).
John Stortz, nature illustrator and photographer, travels nationwide, takes stunning nature photos, all featuring his dog Wolf (or Wolfgang). Beautiful photos, beautiful dog. I want one!
Potato chip rock made me a bit lightheaded too. But otherwise exploring such natural beauty with your dog, doesn’t get any better’n that.
For any of the seated poses, the dog’s likely been doing sit-stay forever. The action shots I think were somewhat planned, but capturing the exact moment was luck and skill. Thanks for posting the link.
He probably also takes a LOT of photos. We don’t see the ones where the dog is looking the wrong way, has his eyes half closed, isn’t smiling, taking a dump on the salt lake, etc.
For the most part, though, from your own link, dogs must be on leash and are usually restricted to roads and campgrounds. The first photo from the link is at Bryce Canyon National Park, where dogs must be on a leash at all times. The second photo, Bronson Canyon, is part of Griffith Park in LA, dogs must be leashed. I don’t feel like doing any more, but my point remains:
I love my dogs, and I love visiting natural places and national parks, and I love photography. I would never do what this guy has done.
How do you know he didn’t obtain permission first? You can apply for permits for filming and photography activities in National Parks, and be permitted to do things other park visitors cannot.
I have a permit to collect sand crabs in Point Reyes National Seashore, and I wouldn’t encourage random park visitors to do so because it’s illegal. I don’t see any evidence that he didn’t obtain a permit to have his dog off-leash for the photo shoot.
I especially love the one at the Bonneville Salt Flats. The joy on the dog’s face and the reflection just make me happy. The Salt Flats are where my dad’s ashes are scattered, and he loved dogs.