Dog Poop

It really ticks me off that when I walk the street all along the grassy areas I see dog poop. You would think people would clean up after their dogs! And curses to the people that let their dogs poop on others peoples lawns!

Hmmm . . . How do you know it’s from *dogs? * Ever notice one of your neighbors hurriedly pulling his pants back up as you approach?

Ha ha ha such a sense of humor Eve. It looks like dog poop and smells like dog poop! It is so gross.

I live in a nice neighboorhood with winding sidewalks around parks and a golf course. So there is a lot of grassy area. I see people walk their dogs there all the time. A few people I have seen carrying plastic bags and dog scoopers.

Yeah, but what does it taste like?

Well I wouldn’t want to be waist-deep in dog doo, but it’s not worth getting ticked off about, is it? People ought to tidy up after their dogs, sure, but it they don’t, so what? It’s gonna decompose.

Yeah? Well, my friend works at Blockbuster and someone took a dump in the Romance Movies aisle last night. I shit you not. They dropped trou and dumped. I guess they weren’t happy with their rental. This is suburban Chicago. OHMYGAWD.

Yeah? Well, my friend works at Blockbuster and someone took a dump in the Romance Movies aisle last night. I shit you not. They dropped trou and dumped. I guess they weren’t happy with their rental. This is suburban Chicago. OHMYGAWD.

Janie, would you mind stopping by Blockbuster and dropping off Scent Of A Woman?
Okay Mom. Whatever you say.


Lieu’s funny…

Yes, it’s worth being ticked off about.

The aggregate effect of even one offender is very noticable. About a year ago, some inconsiderate twit with a big, well-fed dog moved into a house on my block. I see this guy out walking his dog (sans leash, of course,) everyday, completely unburdened by the legally-required accoutrements for doo-doo removal. Practically overnight, the neighborhood went from one in which a pile of poop was a rare and incongruous sight, to one in which it is impossible to safely walk a block while looking at the clouds.

A couple of weeks ago, I found a huge pile directly at the base of the steps to my front door, and from its size and appearance, I’m fairly certain of its origin.

Very often I see piles that have been stepped in and tracked around. (There’s an elementary school two blocks away, so there is a high volume of foot traffic.) It’s a health-hazard, apart from being unsightly.

I’m on point of following this scofflaw around with a video camera when he takes his dog out. Either that or making occasional poop-collection runs along his usual route and dropping it on his doorstep. :mad:

Aha! My years of eating nothing but kibble and rawhide have finally paid off!

– CH

This is my laugh of the day! Welcome to the Boards, CzechHistory411, obviously, you’re a great addition to our little family!

I just want to know if CzechHistory411 lives in Suburban Chicago.

Or maybe I don’t.

If he does, I suggest he turn in his Blockbuster card, PRONTO! :wink:

Someone took a dump on the floor of our bathroom at school one time. The smell was overwhelming.

Yeah, speaking of school dumps, in junior high Phys. Ed. class a classmate of mine took a dump in the shower. As he was taking a shower. This was a communal locker room shower. He was very nonchalant about it, not doing it as a joke or to show off, I think it must have been an “accident.” But certainly very very disgusting.

My girlfriend was in Cook County Jail for a weekend. She thought that if she told them she had emotional problems, they’d put her in the hospital section and she’d be safe from the evil that accompanies jail. So…they put her in the hospital section and not 30 minutes after she arrives, an inmate walked up to her bed and took a dump on it. :frowning:

She cowered on the floor in a corner for the remainder of her stay.

Dog waste in my lawn is not a big deal. After a rain, it becomes a fertile part of the lawn. The dog owners, though, keep leaving their little white cylinders, and they never rot away.

Dogs have a very effecient digestive system, I don’t think any shit decomposes slower than dog shit.