Dog sodomizes child

The article doesn’t say what the “injuries” were, but I suspect they were probably more from scratches than from [ahem] anal tearing or anything. At least I hope so. The police don’t appear to be suspicious and the PD itself has said the attack came from the dog. The witnesses also apparently included “neighbors,” so i think that makes it even less likely that there was anything untoward going on. Cops are not lackadaisical about suspected sexual abuse of children and the fact that nothing about the witnesses or the injuries seems to have set off their radar in this case leads me to believe that the facts are pretty much as advertized. Just a freak occurrence that nobody could have anticipated.

Reminds me of a wierd thing about my old dog Clancy. He was never a leg humper, but there was something about certain pre-adolescent boys that made him react like they were bitches in season. He just could not leave them alone, and would have to be tied up, or otherwise restrained.


Do you really think a dog could achieve anal penetration unassisted, or that the dog didn’t anally penetrate the child?

It was a Pit Bill, you say? I’m shocked! :rolleyes:

Those things should be illegal and should be mass-euthanized.

gets up to put some popcorn in the microwave

I don’t see how the dog could “run outside with the boy still attached to him” if the dog just had his front legs wrapped around the kid. My money is still on the *bulbus glandis * being involved.

Some of the posters who just can’t imagine this happening need to see 2 dogs locked together during intercourse. It’s nothing like with humans where you can just pull it out and run, dogs become physically locked together and cannot be separated without a great deal of effort. And it’s not something the dog can control, once the bulb expands, it won’t just contract if the dog is startled, or punched, or pulled. The dog will try to extricate himself and not be able to, he’s literally stuck in the female.

I don’t mean to single you out, Trunk, but can we please stop saying that the dog “assaulted” the child? Dogs cannot be charged with crimes. As the current story appears it was a dog attack, with no different “motive” than any other overly-aggressive canine behavior.

Also, PSA: Unless you’re a professional breeder, spay or neuter your pets. This is one of many reasons why it’s a good idea.

Neutered dogs can’t achieve an erection? I thought they still mount things and attempt to mate??

This is something a dog would do without coaching from the parents. Take this for what it is, a horny dog. It’s hard to imagine a person that hasn’t seen how male dogs can act when it comes to sex. I wouldn’t blame the parents for this.

I think it’s entirely possible, yes. Dogs are not hung like John Holmes. The police appear to believe it as well and a number of witnesses (not all of whom are part of the family) would have to be lying about what they saw.

Same here.

The sinister porno parent angle is something that would never have occurred to me and I don’t even know what kind of mind would dream it up as possible.

Assault is a verb that functions perfectly well on its own without being attached to the actual crime of “assault”.

RON ROLMES?? :eek: [/Scooby-Doo]


Yeah, but “sexual assault”, which is the phrase bandied about in this article seems to imply more than the simple verb.

I wonder if some of the incredulity in this thread may be coming from people who have not had much experience with unneutered male dogs. Anyone who’s ever own an emballed, male dog knows that they will hump anything and everything, including tables, chairs and unwary bystanders, often quite aggressively. If they can really latch onto something it’s no stretch at all for me to believe they can achieve penetration. It’s not like even a canine vagina is all that big.

My mom once had a male cat that “sodomized” the toaster, ejaculated all over it. He was then “toast”.

Yeah. I grew up with intact dogs, who admittedly lived outside most of the time. Like I said, I saw them hump, but never attempt penetration. I have an intact* one year old small indoor dog now, and about all he’s done is mount a stuffed toy on a couple of occasions, but again, no attempt at penetration. Since this was so far out of my realm of experience, the whole thing seemed farfetched.

*and yes, I’ve been planning on getting it done for awhile now. The vet wanted to wait until a certain age, then we realized letting this particular vet do any kind of surgery on the dog would be a bad idea.

They can, but they are generally much less aggressive.

That’s what I meant. You rarely if ever hear about a dog assaulting someone, because that word tends to imply intent (or in some cases negligence). Most dogs, especially when acting on basic eat/sleep/mate instinct, are not capable of intent in the way the word implies.

Let him get to about 18mo to 2 years and then watch him go! Right now he’s essentially still learning to pee with it.

I’m sorry, it just sounds too bizarre to have gone down exactly as reported. There is a critical part of this story not told…and I don’t want to know what it is.

I have an intact male pitbull. He weighs about 70 lbs and when he’s turned on (which happens less often as he ages) his penis is about the size of an adult man’s.

Yes, I know, I should have gotten him neutered as a puppy. I still have hopes of finding a good match (pedigree, temperment and owners) for him and breeding a litter so I can have a pup off him.