Dogs in Bags

New York limits dogs on subways to those that fit in a bag or container. This happens.

See also: #dogsinbags

People are bringing their dogs everywhere these days including restaurants and supermarkets…and im for it because they arent hurting anyone and when stressed a little petting chills me out.

:smiley: Love the guy in the IKEA bag.

I’m willing to stake my reputation* that that’s not what “doggy bag” is supposed to mean. :smiley:

*heh, big bettor I am.

I suspect it’s not what lawmakers had in mind either.

One of my dogs would tolerate being carried in a bag for a very short distance. The other would lose his mind completely. Actually, the subway itself would terrify him. He hides in closets when he hears distant thunder.

But the dogs in all the photos look pretty chill.

Some people see these kinds of laws as challenges rather than prohibitions.

New York has vaccination laws, just like every place else, so you have to go to the vet, and cabs are crazy expensive. I used to walk my dog to the vet, but once it was raining on the way back, and so we just went into the subway like we owned it, and no one said anything. It helped that it was a slow time, with few people, and she was really well-behaved.

When I had a dog who was sick or injured, of course I paid for a cab.

I used to work in a convenience store, which did not allow dogs (except assistance dogs as required by law). The rule may have been required due to hygiene rules for the little bakery section, I dunno, not my department. We got a few locals who complained, but they mostly just tied up the dogs outside and grumbled.

On one occasion however, we failed to notice that an unfamiliar lady was carrying one of those tiny dogs in a bag until she was already at the checkout, at which point, we just let her carry on, as she was on the way out anyway. This gave one of the regulars, who pointed it out to us, the conviction that dogs were permitted if they were carried.

He had a lab.

Until that point, his dog had been tied up outside whenever he popped in for some milk or whatever, but no longer! Every time he came in after that, he’d carry a bleedin’ full size Labrador allll the way round the store, desperately trying to pick up the stuff he came in for with the one finger not supporting a large hunk of dog. Watching him try and extract his wallet from his pants and the change from it, while playing the-floor-is-lava-by-proxy with a large, confused, but very patient dog was a sheer joy.

It was so stupidly hilarious to watch, none of the staff said a word.

Middle Dog in picture #8 has one wicked Stink-Eye!

Yep, there’s no possibility of this happening on a crowded subway platform or car. :dubious: Or an intersection of this thread with this thread just a little farther down the page. :rolleyes: