Doing nice things for people

So was your roomie/relative brought up in the same severe family situation as you? His behavior is certainly manipulative. So he was grumping about something else when you came into view and he lashed out mainly because you were there. Still, he’s playing games with you, trying to make you feel guilty.

Seriously, go to Craigslist and start searching for other housing options. If you must grin and bear it, do your share of the house and yard work and then head for your room or head out with friends, classmates, whatever.

Looks like you’re really up shit creek. Too bad you’re locked in with this awful roommate forever.

We’re half-brothers – same father, different mother. His mother came into a $10M fortune when his grandmother passed away a few years ago, except she doesn’t technically “own” the money, it’s owned by the grandkids, although she does control it. (I’m a bit wooly on how it all works…it’s called a Dynasty Trust, if that helps.)

I’m permanently disabled, but was able to survive on my own through gov’t handouts, until a couple years ago when the COL freeze made it impossible to afford living on my own. The terms of the Dynasty Trust prevented my Stepmonster from helping me out directly, but instead she purchased this house as an “investment property”, which is allowed. I’m responsible for paying enough rent to cover the cost of property tax & HOA fees, which basically works out to just about what I can afford. Roomie has his own room here, but was living elsewhere until the end of this summer when he moved in full-time, while he’s finishing up his college degree at the local university. Phew, amazing that I described all that in one paragraph. :slight_smile:

That would be nice, since currently he’s paying exactly…nothing!!! It’s his house you see…but forget about explaining the realities of property tax & whatnot, that argument always ends in tears.

Well, the issues with “doing nice things” comes mainly from my mother’s side, so that’s part of the impasse there, since his maternal upbringing was completely different. Still, I question sometimes the concept of “expecting” other people to do unexpected nice things, and then getting pissed off when they don’t do them…because if you expect people to do such things, they can’t be unexpected, right?

And besides, I’m mainly just venting here. I’ve been in worse roommate situations before, and I’ve heard of situations which were much, MUCH worse. In fact, it’s times like this where I search through old posts about Roommate From Hell stories, so I realize my situation isn’t quite so bad…heck, for all I know, he may be doing the exact same thing!

What is the nature of your disability? Why can’t you work/get a job so you are bringing in enough income to ditch the douchebag?

First off, sorry about the less than perfect life situation. Ugghhh.

As for the expected/unexpected irony thing.

In a nutshell its a matter of degree IMO. If you almost NEVER do something nice, even though it isnt EXPECTED…then yeah people are NOT going think of you as nice person.

Again, a big factor of being nice in a reasonable fashion is doing something for someone else where the effort you expend to be nice is less than the reward the recipient gets from you being nice in the first place.

When most folks follow that model its an overall win win for everyone involved. Think of it as social capitalism minus the actual monetary units.

Can’t really explain it, since I don’t really know how to describe it. The “official” diagnosis is Asperger’s Syndrome, but there’s a lot of debate about whether or not that’s entirely accurate. All I can say for sure is that I have tried to work in the recent past, and I wish I could make it stick, just so I wouldn’t be beholden to anyone! :mad:

In these times that you’ve tried working, what sorts of problems/obstacles do you encounter that make them unworkable (no pun intended)?

Think I get what you’re saying, in general. The problem I seem to have, which you alluded to before, is being “in tune” with what people want. Even now, when I attempt to do unexpected nice things for people, the reaction I get is extremely unpleasant – like what I gave them isn’t what they really wanted, or something like that.

It’s hard to explain. One thing my therapist did say, however, was that it’s probably a result of unconscious conditioning – like, I tried giving flowers to someone, and got punished for it. But I still want to find out what they like, so if they don’t like flowers…how about dogshit? Naturally, that doesn’t go so well either, but ironically, sometimes I would get a better reaction from dogshit than flowers. Not so with everyone, though. And the problem now is I can’t always determine the difference between dogshit and flowers. So the safest action is to give nothing. Does that make any sense?

Again, it’s hard to describe. The main problem seems to be that I’m “allergic” to people, and personal situations. Not just friends and stuff (and I do have friends, though they tend to be as weird and messed-up as me) but also casual relations, like workplace situations. It’s the type of thing that gets worse and worse as time goes by, until the Universe itself suddenly starts to collapse, Inception-style. At least, that’s how it feels from my perspective – others have a different type of perception, naturally. :rolleyes:

It’s not just related to jobs, either. Until recently, I had to change my shopping habits every few months, specifically because I was becoming too familiar with the store clerks, which started triggering those issues. It’s not as bad these days since I’ve learned how to “blockade” people, but it still can be extremely frustrating and annoying.

Yeah, I’m thinking that your disability is front and center to your problems with your roommate. I wish I didn’t just have my phone to post on right now, id have more to say. But don’t you think your inability to interact/relate well to people might be involved with you not understanding\seeing the cues that other people DO see that might prompt them to do “nice things” without being asked?

Yeah, that’s definitely the heart and soul of it, I think.

Punch him in the face. And set fire to all his shit.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder and brother, you need to get happy fast!.

reads rest of the thread

Sorry. You’re stuck there & he’s just a new pain you started having. Here’s hoping that someday you’ll be able to sit at home without pain.

Are you sure your half-brother doesn’t have Asperger’s as well? It does tend to run in families, and people with it do sometimes have trouble picking up on social cues. I bet you were giving off some cues about wanting the dishes washed for two weeks. (I sure would have!)

Otherwise, he seems to believe in ESP. You’re supposed to “know” that he wants beer without being told, and you’re supposed to “know” about his girlfriend, and you’re supposed to “know” that he doesn’t want to unload the dishwasher. If he were a toddler, someone should tell him to “use his words”.

Of course no one should yell at you or berate you for not “doing nice things” for them, but you did say that he apologized and explained that he was upset about an unrelated situation, so I’m going to assume he is not perpetually verbally abusive and irrational. Have you tried talking to him about it in a calmer moment? Since others have also complained that you are not doing “nice things” for them, it might be worth asking him for concrete suggestions (like the one he already gave, bringing him a beer) about the sort of nice things he is talking about. By no means should you be the only one doing the nice things like you are his beer-fetching dish-doing servant, but making an actual list of the kinds of things he was referring to will help you figure out if this is really what he expects and that that is the problem.
When you are getting yourself something to eat, do you offer some to others? People may think you are rude if you do not.
If you are watching television/listening to music, do you invite input from others about what to watch or listen to?
If you are doing laundry and don’t have a full load, do you ask if he has any items to fill it?
If you are going to the store, do you ask if others need anything?
Do you pay people compliments? Don’t lie or make anything up, but make a point of seeking something to compliment every now and then.
Do you express appreciation when people do things for you? You don’t need to go overboard, but just as he ought to have thanked you for taking care of the dishes, you may need to be more alert to things others are doing for you.
Hope this helps!

Send him packing, man. Or send yourself packing, whatever you have the power to do. You can find a better roommate on Craigslist in less than 2 weeks. A certain amount of deference is required when you’re living in someone else’s home, but you’re not required to kiss his ass.

I used to rent from a psychotic bitch who would get angry at me for not reading her mind, on many occasions. Fortunately we mutually agreed that we hated each others’ guts and I got out of there before the 6-month lease was up. She was the closest to a legitimate sociopath that I’ve ever encountered. Walking on eggshells doesn’t even begin to fully describe the amount of handling she required. Working with such a person would be an unimaginable chore. *Living *with them? Cannot be done. Get the fuck out now. Well, in 30 days anyway.

I LOLed.

I agree about the beer, if you get one for you bring one for your friend as well, about washing his dishes and no getting a thanks, wtf does he think he is royalty.
also don’t ever let anyone yell at you for 30 min. unless they are your parents who brought you to life only they have that right. to finish here if some one does something nice for you, you must thank them.

What’s funny? I’ve found all 4 of my past/current roommates through craigslist, and currently working on a 5th. Only encountered one dud so far.

I bought a vacuum cleaner on Craigslist once. Felt like I was making a drug deal, haha.

The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that the issues with his (semi-)ex-GF are what’s exacerbating the domestic problems. I won’t divulge any specific details of course, but it’s damn ugly – they could all use a serious dose of Dr. Phil. And I’m still rather shocked that he’s trying to patch things up with her when he told me they broke up two months ago, and I was damn glad to hear it. She was bad mojo from the start. So that’s something I could bring up if he throws another conniption fit.

As for the dishes, laundry, getting-a-beer thing, etc…well, I know about those things, but it’s hard to know what he wants, and we basically lead separate lives anyway. That being said, I’m starting to think that part was just him finding shit to bitch about (due to unresolved issues with aforementioned ex-GF) because it really did come out of left field!!! (When was the last time he offered ME a beer, anyway?)

Are you receiving entitlements? Can you elaborate on why you can’t work?