Due to random-ass circumstances, I’ve had more razors on my person than I care to mention. After finally whittling through those over the years, I have come to the end of my run. I always hear commercials for Dollar Shave Club and Harrys, and I can’t imagine why those aren’t the best/most economical way to go about it. But which do I choose?
So I come to you dopers. Which razor club should I go with? DSC or Harrys?
But before that, I quick primer as to how I shave: I don’t grow in too terribly fast, and when it does, it’s even. So I only shave once a week, meaning razors last me a month or so. The most important part is that I have EXTREMELY sensitive skin. The only razors I can use that don’t completely destroy my face are the 5 bladed ones, so that’s a must-have. Anything less will turn my neck on fire (or a bloody mess…or both).
I’ve got a Harry’s razor and I haven’t tried Dollar Shave. I found Harry’s and stopped. I like them. Nice smooth shave, good price.
They are also now available at Target. Same prices as online.
Maybe someone will come with more information, but I had a Harry’s blade rust on me. I don’t need to change my blade often, so maybe I just left it on too long. I shave in the shower, BTW, so it does stay dampish.
I haven’t tried Harry’s but am in Dollar Shave Club. Good service and nice razors. The price is great too! Plus, you get The Bathroom Minutes each month!!
Haven’t tried DSC but swear by Harry’s. I shave my whole head 3 times a week, so I go through cartridges at a pace they aren’t used to. So I just order a set whenever I need them and they arrive within days. What I really love about Harry’s is their shave gel. The best I’ve ever found - very smooth and slick. YMMV, of course.
I’ve looked into both of those briefly, but they seemed expensive. I use the Gillette razor, the three-blade one. I shave every day, in the shower.
I used to use a blade for about four months before switching, but a year or so ago I decided to change blades every two months whether it needs it or not. I think shaving in the shower makes my whiskers soft enough that the blade lasts longer.
So am I missing out on something by sticking to my old Gillette?
I don’t get this at all. Find a blade, use a blade, wash the blade, then thoroughly dry the blade. If you need another blade six months later I would be very surprised, no matter how thick your hair is. You don’t clean it and dry it? My advise is that you might as well store it in an acid bath.
That’s not my experience. I used to use Gillette blades and after 3-4 shaves the difference was notable, i.e. they started to scrape my face up something fierce. Perhaps I did not dry them enough, I never really thought about it too much (rinse, shake, put on the shelf). Also the “lubricant strip” was gone after a couple shaves, too.
Then I switch to DSC. I get 4 razors per month delivered to my door, I shave generally twice a week on one blade, get lovely smooth shaves and it costs less than half of what I was paying Gillette.
I too have very sensitive skin. The best, and cheapest, shave I have ever had was with a single blade safety razor. I buy them 100 at a time from amazon for $18. At $0.18 each I can afford to replace the blade ever week. If you are only shaving once per week you can probably get a month out of one before it starts to get rusty.
I don’t shave all that much, being a bearded monster. BUT - I do trim up my neck and down my cheeks a bit.
I use an old-school safety razor that was my father’s. Something about the heavy chrome-plated brass just sits well in my hand. It’s easy enough to learn how not to slice your skinn off, and it gives a nice clean edge to my beard. Multi-bladed razors never give me that clean edge.
(I use gel shaving cream)
I have tried the DSC (aka Dorco) blades and was disappointed. They seemed to get dull within a few days, and it takes me months to use up a package of Schick Quattro cartridges. What’s the point of paying less for blades if you have to use more of them? However, I have a friend who swears by DSC, so YMMV.
I haven’t had any experience with Harry’s, but now that they’re available at Target I may give them a try.
I was going to suggest Dorco. You can also buy them directly from Dorco through their website, for a little cheaper than Amazon’s prices. I like DSC but didn’t go through the blades fast enough to justify paying a subscription (they just piled up on me), so going to their manufacturer made more sense.
Unilever recently bought DSC (warning: news site with video). No idea how that has or will affect things. I (usually) use Dorco, but I don’t have thick facial hair and blades last me a long time. I usually buy a year’s supply at a time. Right now, though, I’m using Gillette Fusion, simply because my year’s supply finally ran out and I had a free razor and two cartridges sitting in the drawer for…a very long time. Still, Gillette is so much more expensive (though I heard they are cutting prices) and I’ve never had a good experience with Schick blades, so in ~2 months when it is time to refresh, I’m back to Dorco. I order directly from Dorco, not through Amazon. Didn’t even know they were on Amazon until this thread.
My dad currently uses Dollar Shave Club (thanks to a Doper giving away a coupon code/gift card.) But we’ve just now canceled it, and plan to try Harry’s once he runs out of blades.
Dollar Shave Club makes you buy way too many razors (even if you skip a month), unless you intentionally go in and stop them. Harry’s gives you better options, like 8 blades every five months.
That said, Harry’s is more expensive (by a couple bucks for the same quality blade). But I’m hoping that means that, when I get their razor handle, it won’t break easily like the Dollar Shave Club one, making me have to buy Dad another one.
And, note, these are all for my dad, who shaves rather often, unlike me. I’m okay with what I get out of an electric, anyways.
I still use a twin blade that I buy in bulk. Each one lasts two weeks. At 50 cents a blade, it costs me $13.00 a year for blades. I recently bought another four-year supply. My shaving gel is a store brand ($1.98 each) manufactured by a name brand that sells the same product for four times the price.