I guess that’s why I thought “nothing” should be an option. Won’t you admit though that it’s more than a little weird to live in this small town alongside another guy who owns my (unique) first and last name and has owned it since 2003 dot com?
Ask him, “What’s up?” It is pretty weird and pointless. I can’t imagine why he would do that.
Dude. It’s Junction! He probably picked up this hobby while being unemployed after the Great Shale Oil Bust and never let go. It’s probably cheaper than going to garage sales.
Since the OP started with self-storage I found this one amusing:
Let me ask a question or two:
Do you need the name for anything? If you just checked it this year it obviously wasn’t big on your mind for the last 5 years. That doesn’t excuse his actions, just wondering.
Have you tried contacting him, saying that you want to use it and ask him to transfer it over to you? Paying him back for whatever it cost him to register it this year would be cheap (and certainly faster and cheaper than going to court, raising your blood pressure, etc).
I almost wish this was mine.
Considering your loc all three of us, you me and Rocky are north of F Road. He’s north of the Catholic church and I’m almost due northwest. His business “covers a lot of stuff” on I-70 right beside where I get my tractor serviced.
You know his underpants size?
Well, there’s a lot you can do with that;
You could buy some underwear in his size, crap in the underwear, then hang it out in front of his house so people will think he craps his underwear then hangs it outside to dry.
Or you could buy a pack of underwear in his size and then another pack in a much smaller size, then carefully remove the tags from each set and sew the tags for his size into the smaller underpants, then sneak into his home and switch out his underpants for the smaller ones.
Unless I attain it before Sept 1 my name (as I understand contract law) might actually end up property of CBS. Frankly it’s my name and I’ve fought hard for it all my life so I’m more than a little peeved about its pilfering. Like I said, I’m a douche for not buying it out of vanity, but ask Frank, this isn’t a name you might just dream up some afternoon.
Yeah you bastard, when he delivered this (probably formerly containing the mummified remains of Riggs and Murtaugh) storage container to our muddy spread I couldn’t help but notice his briefs as he slogged and chocked. It was actually a little horrifying.
Obviously there is some kind of back story here I missed (CBS is about to put the El Cid Vicoso Show on the air or something?)…Well anyhow on my second point, have you tried just asking the guy for the domain name? See if he’s willing to deal. Yes, he might be squatting and theoretically you might be able to force him to give it up but if paying a few bucks will accomplish the same thing faster and leave you less stressed and on speaking terms then trust me, it’s well worth it.
I don’t think so. He obviously bought it to rip her off. If somebody bought your stolen bike and then offered to sell it to you, you wouldn’t actually cover the cost of acquiring and storing it…would you? I think it’s much more reasonable that the scam artist should eat all relevant expenses and pay significant damages, considering the actress’s potential loss of revenue from not having the domain for herself.
BTW: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=78750525 (WARNING: MySpace band page; otherwise SFW)
El Cid Viscoso - I am mystified… why on earth would this guy register your name domain? What would be the purpose of this? It’s really bizarre and creepy, almost stalkerish. Are you going to contact him to find out what’s up?
Actually, I’m a little mystified too: Why is “DOMAIN” in all caps in the title?
Dare I grab bryanekers.com before it’s too late and somebody uses it to display his torrid religious pro-choice Grunge-fan Voyager-liking tripe?
Yoink! Too late, sucka!
I don’t understand this. You’ve never owned the domain. You didn’t even care about it until recently, and you haven’t stated you have plans to make a website at that address. You haven’t contacted him about taking ownership of the domain, and he hasn’t approached you. Basically, he’s just some creep who bought yourname.com. How is this theft? Unless there’s something libelous at that domain, I don’t see how you’ve been harmed.
Is his name registered?