My boyfriend and I are planning on having a ceremony of dedication two days before our one year anniversary. We also want to file domestic partnership papers. Damn if I can find info on the web about it in our area or across the country. There are plenty of websites, but none that walk you through the process. Anyone care to illuminate this for us?
If you’re talking about a Vermont civil union, you could try this site:
Forgot to clarify. I’m in Oregon. Still, the procedure for getting a domestic partnership is not easy to find.
Contact the Human Rights Campaign Fund, as they’re biggies in the fight for DP benefits. You might also try your local City Hall (either on the web or in person), or even the local newspapers. If it involves the government, you can bet there’s a long list of requirements and documentation somewhere…
Congratulations to you and your boyfriend.
I found this: OFLA & Same-Sex Domestic Partners
It doesn’t say how to apply, but it has the requirements. It looks like this is only open to homosexuals. New York’s DP does not have this requirement.
There also seems to be some tax advantage. See:
Same-Sex Domestic Partners Tax Law Changes.
When Cajun Man and I became domestic partners in New York City, we had to register at the same place a couple would go to get a marriage license. It sounds like in Oregon, you just have to declare, but you should check with a justice of the peace or something.