NOTE: If you noticed two now-closed threads of my authorship and you want to know what the deal is, just ask, and I’ll fill in the blanks. Y’all probably know, though, that the board has had some issues today, so maybe I won’t have to offer and explanation. And many thanks, BTW, to fluiddruid or Giraffe, (don’t know which one) for his/her assistance earlier today. If this post doesn’t go through…well, I reckon that I’ll just look like some kind of fool.
Link from News 12 in Northern New Jersey:
What a pity–my first pitting, and having slept for 2.5 hours out of the last 36 hours, I don’t even have the energy to work up the requisite vitriol and intelligent commentary (it might not make a difference, anyway*), but here goes.
What. The. Holy. Mother. Fuck?!
Now, don’t y’all go gettin’ me wrong and shit. I’m a Black dude in America, so I totally get the whole “racism-and-other-isms-and-phobias suck” thing. Been called nigger? Done. Been called faggot? Done. With aplomb. Does it suck? Yep. Does it hurt, especially when you’ve done nothing (well, 'cept to be born into a world full of shit-for-soul malcontents) to deserve it? Absolutely! But does it besmirch my character? Nuh-uh. Not by a long shot, baby!
I understand how people spreading malicious lies about you (or your group)–especially when said lies are disseminated to folks who either don’t have enough experience with you (or your group) to counter the lies or whose own self-esteem is so abysmally low that that they just HAVE to feel superior to someone else–can be harmful in many ways, and how you can feel powerless to do anything about it except to just live your life and hope for the best. Several of “my” peoples (the Blacks, the Jews, and the gays) have been dealing with this shit since…well, goddman, it seems like forever. I also understand the need to challenge, wherever and whenver and as vociferously as is necessary, the bastards who tell such lies about us. HOWEVER, the notion that what one foul-hearted man (who had only so many listeners to begin with) says about you can irreparably and forevermore damage your reputation and your character to the degree that you feel that your only redress is to file civil suit against him leaves me speechless.
Okay, it doesn’t, hence What. The. Holy. Mother. Fuck?!
And, really, let’s think about this for a second. He called y’all nappy-headed ho’s. Make no mistake, that’s bad. I mean, totally uncalled for, seriously uncool, and (for those of us who actually have some semblence of *real * experience with the world and who use our brains for purposes other than wiping our asses) absolutely not true. Here’s my thing, though: Given a choice between having random people think of me as a nappy-headed ho and having them think of me–on both sight unseen and, uh, seen–as a rapist, a thief, a murderer, unintelligent, lazy, etc., and then having them deny me a job, an apartment, or just basic goddamn human dignity because they think those things about me, I’m going to go with nappy-headed ho.
Yeah, really.
I know, I know–I am not a Black woman (no matter how much I might pretend to be on the 2nd and 4th Saturday nights of any given month (well, Black lady, I should say))–and I know that y’all have some *serious * societal shit tossed your way. The point is, though, that, IMNSHO, “nappy-headed ho” doesn’t rise nearly to the level of *half * the shit that so many non-Black people have in store for Black folks, and if Ms. Vaughn doesn’t grasp that simple reality very, very soon, she’ll never, ever be ready for life as a Black person–male or female–in 21st century America. IOW, Sistah, if you really want somethin’ to cry about, don’t worry, they’ll give you something to **really ** cry about!
'Nuff said.
Interested parties may now commence to telling me how lame (or even wrong-headed) my pitting is. (Though, really, it’s not so much a pitting–although there’s some of that going on–as it is an expression of my befuddlement and, yeah, concern that this young lady might be getting things just a little too twisted too early in what I hope will be a long, productive, successful life for her.)
*'Cause it’ll probably sink faster than my thread last month about my visit (last month) to Atlanta in which I invited any interested Atlanta-area Dopers to hook up with me (well, to at least *meet * with me, anyway). And only two people responded, one of whom did so out of pity for the lack of responses I’d received. Yeah, bitches, I’m still licking those wounds! And just a little of this: .