Don’t waste that perfectly good fetus!

Thank you The Kabong for finally just answering my damn question!

It is OK to eat fetuses, as I expected.

I will procure and prepare. You are invited kind person.

That “OMG! When he puts it that way, I feel absolute shame in how I supported the murder of preborn babbies!!!” reaction you’re fishing for?

Ain’t gonna happen.

Well, why not eat them? It would cost you less than raising them to adulthood.

Believe me. I’ve thought about it with the youngest one.

I never said anything about babies. Freak. Only fetuses.

I am literally wondering how you feel about me eating a fetus. I’m looking for consistency in your answer. I’m looking for everyone to be like El Kabong and say it’s ok because it should be ok!

OK, I say it’s OK, but it’s on you to find the fetuses.

Actually, I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt in thinking that you were trying to be clever…but it seems you were being stupid all along. My apologies for the mistaken assumption.

You could always shove the fetus up your ass and then go to a party. In the middle of conversation scream HOLY SHIT MY WATER BROKE and then drop your trousers and shit out a wee baby. There are plenty of uses for fetuses; no need to just gobble them up.

Fastest add ever.

Never really understood why trolls so often feel that disingenuity is a good strategy.

Baka, as a person who holds a pro-life stance, can I sincerely ask you to fuck off and go back under whatever idiotic rock you crawled out from under? You’re not only making yourself look like a complete and utter idiot, but you’re also making anyone holding a pro-life view look dumber. So please stop.

Too stupid to accept the consistent answers being given in the thread, so ok…

On a more interesting note, some vegetarians are only vegetarian for ethical reasons and would consider cloned meat ok to consume.

I’m ok with somebody eating the clone of a person (assuming that clone had never been conscious, i.e. a human being). Except maybe the brains - those nasty prions could pose an unacceptable health risk.

In terms of fetuses, chicken is a whole lot cheaper and easier to obtain, transport, and produce, especially if the concern is feeding starving people, so I’m trying to find the intelligent reason why this thought experiment doesn’t fail immediately on economic grounds.

This is also why conspiracy theories about McDonald’s or Taco Bell or whoever putting horse meat in their food is bunk - beef is vastly cheaper and easier to obtain so why go with the more expensive and more difficult option?

Also, Swift already did this whole ‘modest proposal’ thing a couple hundred years ago and did an immeasurably better job of it.

Oh, gosh. We’re so shocked you want to eat late-term fetuses. I’m clutching my pearls in consternation and my butler has to fan me.

No need to eat fetuses, when you can get even better health benefits from consuming placentas.

Lots of delicious recipes here, guaranteed to turn that clammy, blood-soaked sponge of an organ into a culinary delight. And don’t forget to try placenta smoothies

Thank you!! Literally been twenty years since I last spun a Foetus track.

I have no intrinsic moral compulsions against cannibalism, but I’m leery of shifting public policy to make it legal.

To me abortion is killing a person, however that person has not entered the world yet, and is subject to the woman’s free will (and to God) and the world has no moral jurisdiction on this person yet (meaning until born). As such eating a removed and dead fetus, that would be the same as eating a amputated limb, dead child, or dead person for that matter and is within the jurisdiction of this world.

Nice to see there’s still someone trying to be King Edgelord.

Damn. This one has a hole in it. :mad:

And for nights when you just don’t feel like making a fancy meal, remember there’s Placenta Helper!