Donald Trump Declassifies all Documents Related to Russia/Collusion and Hillary Emails

I agree that Trump lies all the time. But has he ever lied about something like this? For instance, is there an example of him publicly said, “I signed a bill today that…” and then it turned out that he signed no such thing and had no intention to?

In any event, we can agree to disagree for now, because we will have absolute evidence of which is true in the next few days, won’t we?

Some folks might trust the Russians and Trump toadies to give us the pure unvarnished truth.

I do not.

I guess that nothing substantive will happen before the election - and then it will be quietly forgotten, becoming just another lie tossed on the 20,000+ strong pile.

We’ll see though - or there won’t be anything to see.

Blah blah blah blah. So what? What does this have to do with any current events? This is at best an indictment of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton campaign. If I agree that Hillary was absolutely terrible and deserved the lose the election because of it, what does that mean for the present? What does what Clinton did have anything to do with Biden? Even if you point me to a connection between those two, how does that absolve anything Trump has done? Or is this just supposed to be a “neener neener i was right all along even though it doesn’t matter anymore”

Did Mexico ever pay for that damned wall?

So it’s your contention that Trump issued his declassification tweet at 8:41 PM last night, and that’s somehow before the redacted document from earlier that day?

Again, no use arguing this. We will find out the truth shortly.

Who said they did?

Cite that it’s from earlier in the day?

FYI: Federal employees can work until 10 PM.

He signed an utterly useless and symbolic executive order on preexisting conditions, while still backing the lawsuit that may remove the only actual legal protection for preexisting conditions.

He called it “protecting preexisting conditions”, but it has no teeth, nor gums really, in fact it’s not a mouth at all, it’s just a crooked grin drawn in sharpie.

Of course. But they could turn up the political heat on him for trying it, hoping to change his mind. If a bunch of heavy hitters come out tomorrow and say, “The President’s order will be highly destructive to national security because it will publicise many secret sources and methods”, along with a claim that they would resign rather than comply, it would at least do damage to Trump before the election.

Most of the factual claims in this post are baseless - GOP propaganda. There’s no evidence this is anything other than Russian disinfo, which is how Republicans in the Senate treated it. This stuff isn’t new - Nunes and Ratcliffe and more have been trying to turn it into something politically useful for years - and they’ve continually failed, because it’s nothing. There’s no reason to believe it’s anything more than nothing today.

Just more nonsense. Trump’s tweets don’t change anything. If a monkey flings poo there’s no reason to wonder if that monkey is trying to make some Jackson Pollock masterpiece - it’s just more poo flinging.

You seem to be acting as if there’s some big news in what was unredacted. Are you relying on what those from the government are saying is in the unredacted documents that have been yet to be released? They can easily state one thing when it requires a ton of reading to discover that they were wrong about what they said. If there’s nothing unredacted that’s been released, how are you able to make these long posts showing how right you were, if there’s actually no new evidence available yet?

Newsflash: Trump is a lying liar who lies. Not in dispute. I just don’t think he’s quite dumb enough to say that he HAS declassified all this stuff if he hasn’t and isn’t going to. His own base would freak out at him for that.

But again, we’ll know who’s right in the next few days. No sense speculating.

Why did you “speculate” with the thread title?


Jesus. That’s a political promise. Did you believe Obama when he said the day of his election was the day the Earth would begin to heal and the waters would recede? Do you believe Joe Biden when he says he will create millions of ‘green jobs’? Did you believe him when he said he’d shut down all fracking? Or did you believe him when he said he never said he’d shut down fracking?

All politicians lie. The question is whether this one is lying about something so easily checkable. Again: We’ll find out soon enough, won’t we?

His own base would let him shoot all of us on 5th avenue and they would cheer.

And your “no sense speculating” nonsense is real cute. Get serious.

Come on, this isn’t funny anymore. This is just sad. His base clearly doesn’t care about his lies.

Boring. Nothing to do with 2020. Hillary isn’t running. Nothing new and nothing to see here. Just another attempt to change the subject from his crimes and the hoodlums that surround him.