Donald Trump Declassifies all Documents Related to Russia/Collusion and Hillary Emails

I could believe that he signed some ‘declassification’ that is more specific than what he let on, or which directs it to happen at someone’s ‘discretion’ knowing it won’t hapen. That’s within realm of reality. But doing nothing at all after saying he already did it, over a matter of critical importance to his base, is something else.

Again, we’re never going to agree, since everyone is speculating. But we wll know soon enough.

How could we possibly know this? Fine: we can check if the documents have any redactions or not. But there’s no way to tell if all of the documents have been released.

I predict that this thread will not reflect well on Mr Stone by the time this all comes out.

His base has no interest in following up; they prefer to believe it regardless of whether it’s true. I.e. they won’t give a rats ass.

I’m glad someone else feels the same way. This, and not whether any of this is true, should be the first thing people should be thinking of. It’s of no use to debate how you were right about a question that is totally moot now.

Hey, here’s a Fox News link:

Again, these are the e-mails that included the statements “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump” to which Donald Trump, Jr., replied “…if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”

So, I guess Don, Jr., was part of the Hillary Clinton campaign’s plot to invent the idea of “collusion” between the Trump Campaign and Russia. That must make for some pretty awkward moments at Thanksgiving.

This is a great point. This is all manufactured bullshit, but what’s amazing is that their manufactured bullshit is still about Hillary Clinton. No one cares about Hillary Clinton anymore.

I find myself oddly compelled by this thread, and am giving serious thought to not voting for Mrs. Clinton after all.

I may not write in Hunter Biden’s name, either, after all I’ve heard …


I don’t believe for one instant that we’ll hear anything new in the next few days. This nothingburger is supposed to be an October surprise to rile up the Trumpists and get them out to the polls despite his recent graphic demonstration that doing so in person is taking your life in your hands. There is no way that he’s going to shoot his wad early and reveal the nothing behind the curtain until that show is over.

Say it ten more times-It sounds more convincing every time you say it.

Goes to show how difficult it is to find any dirt, manufactured or otherwise, on the actual opponent this time around.

Because at the time I assumed that if the President tweets, “Today I have ordered that…,” that it’s a reasonable assumption that he ordered it. You all don’t believe it, so I admitted that there’s no proof he’ll actually do it.

Again, let’s just end this speculation about whether it’s going to happen, because we’ll know if it happens soon enough, won’t we? If it doesn’t, then Trump committed another evening self-own on Twitter. We will find out shortly.

Tell you what: If Trump does nothing, I will come back to this thread and say, “I’m a big weenie for trusting a Trump tweet when I should know better.” If he DOES do it, you come back and say something similar about your conclusion. Deal? Or does that violate a rule on betting? If it does, I’ll come back and give my mea culpa anyway, because I’d deserve it. You do what you want.

They’d freak out because they are all convinced that there was a giant conspiracy to bring Trump down, and they’ve been crying to have the documents released for years. If Trump says he HAS signed an order to release them, and then later on says, “never mind”, it will take the wind out of the sails of a lot of people. Trust me. They are banking heavily on the ‘conspiracy’.

We’ll be sble to SEE the executive order, because they all become part of the public record in time. It takes a while for them to be published - the latest I can find currently go back to August.

If the order says release ALL, and it turns out all didn’t get released, then that’s on the agencies, and not Trump. It would actually be evidence that there is a cover-up if they defied an executive order or started destroying documents.

No, he’ll just keep saying “I REDACTED ALL THE DOCUMENTS!!! LOCK THEM UP!!!” and they will believe him because that’s their wont.

The only thing they are banking on is that his tweets upset “the enemy”, and you don’t have to trust me-the last four years of his actions and their reactions are evidence enough.

Or claim that he never made the tweet; his core supporters will eat it up. As always.

I’ve assumed from the start that he’s ordered something, but I believe it ranges somewhere from ordering specific declassifications that his political appointees think will stir up the base, to “my tweet is my order”, which is not how you get documents that have been classified and redacted for a reason declassified and unredacted, even if you’re the president.

But I’m glad you’ve backed down from your “He wouldn’t tweet something that could be so easily disproven”-stance.

I for one am thrilled that Trump and his government are finally focusing on the most important crises. Although you Covid lovers and Democrats might disagree, this is in no way a sad attempt at deflection, distraction or disinformation.

What part of the tweet implies that there would be an official executive order? And anyway, isn’t the tweet good enough? They’re considered official statements by the president.

'Roid rage?