Done with Christmas shopping

Box of See’s Victoria Toffee for the Missus. Box of See’s soft centers for me. My mom used to get this for my sister and me growing up although hers was nuts and chews. She hadn’t done it for a while so I revived the tradition myself a few years ago adding my wife and her VT.

So do I get to claim, “First!”?

I did most of my Christmas shopping while I was on vacation in Ireland last summer. I generally try to do my Christmas shopping while I’m traveling, especially in a foreign country, since it offers the opportunity to get unique items I wouldn’t to get back home.

My mom’s getting a wool sweater.
Dad’s getting a flat cap with the Trinity College logo on it.
I also picked up a Netflix gift card for Dad last week since I get him one ever year, and his Irish gift was smaller than Moms. But I guess Mom and Dad will really be sharing that.
I got my sister a bottle of whiskey. Which is normally something she’d like, but when I got home I learned she was pregnant. Oh well, she can save it for later. She’ll probably want it once she has kids.
Brother-in-law is also getting a flat cap.

We’re done. I only get presents for my husband and kid.

For my husband, two LL Bean long tees and one polo (his request.)

For my son:
A t-shirt that says “Math is my superpower”
A book called Trees Make the Best Pets
A thing with letter tiles for spelling words
A remote control gear robot (this looks objectively awesome to me)

Stocking: Egg shaped bath bombs with dinosaurs inside
Pull-back dinosaur shaped cars

We’re only supposed to get him four gifts, which I find difficult. Today I went shopping with my grandmother and we colluded into getting him a Lite Brite and a box of stuff for “little engineers” to build things, and since they are gifts from her, it’s not breaking the rules.

I finished mine this morning. Two secret santas to buy for. I finally figured out the co-worker one and bought it this morning. I drew the name of someone who works the opposite shift I do and had no clue what she liked as she doesn’t have pics or any such at her desk space. But she is very neat, clean, and organized. That did the trick. Hello Container Store.

I’ll bet you make her day.

You guys!! There’s still…oh, lord.

I have a book one daughter really wants and a few stocking stuffers for both daughters. I’m still trying to think of something - anything! - for my son-in-law. What makes it harder is that he also has a birthday on the 31st, so I’ve got to find two things. I’m about to break down and just ask the younger one to choose things for me. We’re mainly giving them money, but it’s nice to have actual gifts for them to unwrap.

I was done with it in 1992

I finished a week ago when I posted the last set of packages back to family members in the States.

I guess I’ll start thinking about it today. Or not.

Acorn and FedEx have come through! Packages just arrived and rushed them up to my study.

Now a few stocking stuffers and I’m done.

I’m mostly done. I just need to pick up two bottles of wine which I won’t be able to get until this upcoming week.

I was all done last week…or so I thought. Thursday I got an email from Amazon saying one of my gifts was running late. The tracking number was included so I went to the shipping site and plugged it in, only to be told that they had no idea what that number referred to. Yeah, my gift is allegedly somewhere between Shenzen and my hometown. Now I have to go find something else for somebody who is already impossible to shop for. The item I ordered isn’t sold in any local stores. Ho ho ho.

I’m done. Not terribly excited about anything I’m giving, but whatever. Lots of people getting cash, which seems wrong to me, but as I said, whatever.
I spent about twenty minutes today getting out all the wrapping paraphernalia, and wrapped one tiny gift. Well, except for the bow.

I hear ya! My husband, grandson, niece, son-in-law all have birthdays this week (the week before Xmas). UGH!

I just have a few items to pick up. Not much but all at different stores.

I gotta remember next year to splurge on my co-worker’s gifts. I always get them something extremely token, and they are very generous. I’m embarrassed.