I finished my Christmas shopping

So I’m done. I usually shop early except for a few small things. I give my mom and another older friend lottery tickets for Christmas, and I just finished getting them. So I’m done.

How about you? (Have you even started?)

I’m done now too. Mostly order online.

My dear 77 yo mother wanted tools. Screwdrivers and such. Wanted me to pick them out for her. [Tim Alan]SEARS![/TA].

The Wife conveinently dog ears pages in an LLBean catalog. We are pretty practical about the whole thing.

I finished getting the actual gifts last week. Everything’s wrapped and under the tree. I wanted to use Amazon’s free shipping, so I couldn’t put it off for too long.

The only things left to buy are the $10 dollar gift cards that my friends and I trade each other.

I just went out and shipped some of the books that I had bought for friends, so that is another thing done! I am all over this holiday thing! :slight_smile:

Son and I are going today to get the last couple of things. Also this weekend is the Cookie Baking. Next week I will deliver the cookies to selected clients. Then I’ll be through as well! w00t!

I might pick up some books as a secondary gift for my mother but am otherwise finished and have been for most of a week, now.

I’ve been done for about a week now, except for some food items for the stockings. It’s all wrapped, too. My cards are only about half-way finished, but that’s the only thing I feel behind on.

Totnak and I made sugar cookies today, and I’ll make fudge tomorrow. We’ll also put up the tree and decorate the house tomorrow, and hopefully finish up the cards this evening. Then all that’s left will be some cleaning (boo!) and baking (yay!).

All I have to shop for still is my dad-Mr I-own-everything-and-have the-shelves-to-put’em-on. Just need to decide if it’s a Costco or Home Depot gift card for him.

I thought I was done, but then I found out that Dad wants new bath towels, rather than the socks and underwear he usually asks for. THEN I’m done.

I was finished back in November. All I have left is buying the food stuff.

I *mostly *was. It is these last lottery tickets that I buy that always wait until just before XMas. Other than that, I am often done by October.

In August I bought my friend an iPod Nano for Christmas. I should think about wrapping it and getting it ready to mail. My sis and BIL have plenty of junk already. They like tarbuck, so I got them each a $25 gift card. My nephew wants a Lego train. I ordered that, wrapped, from amazon today and it will be sent to my sister’s house. And that’s all the shopping I have to do!

I’ve barely started and I only have 4 gifts to buy this year. The problem is that my fiance’s family has 3 December birthdays, including his, so I end up thinking that I’ve made present-buying progress while neglecting the Christmas gifts.

I’ve bought a sitting hammock for my KK in his family, and a nano armband and nike+ set for my KK in my family. This afternoon I’ll pick up mum and dad’s gift (digital photo frame) and the fiance’s gifts (spare Wii sensor, headphones, rock climbing shoes, and Mario Party 8). Then some Krispy Kremes the night before, and I’ll be done.