Don't clip your fucking fingernails in the middle of the supermarket, you pig!

In light of the mention of pimples here I just gotta do a slight hijack. Some members may not be aware of the following thread, from 2002. In the world of pimpledom, it’s a real classic, and must not be forgotten.

I FOUND IT!!1!! Yay!

I’ve a dear friend who is utterly squicked out by anyone who clips their nails at any other time besides when the person is fresh outa the shower. The nails are softened then, and don’t make that “click click” sound when clipped.

I’d be pretty grossed out by someone doing their nails anywhere where they were not tending the flying nails. Also, in a supermarket? Near food? Feh.


I got tears.

You are a goddess.

What about that politician who was observed picking and eatting his own earwax during a session/debate/speech?

Miss Manners suggests, “This is why ladies wear gloves. Pick up one of the shavings and present it the the gentleman asking ‘Did you drop this?’”

Failing that I suggest following Dijon Warlock’s advice with a bit more drama. Scoop up the droppings whilst loudly muttering an obscure (or your own made up) language.

Cackling wildly yet knowingly when he dismisses you is most effective.

Thank you. {insert eyelashes fluttering modestly smiley}