Don't Forget To Leave Food Out For Your Mail Carrier Today

It’s the 12th Annual Letter Carriers ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ Food Drive today, in over 10,000 cities throughout the United States, including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam, where mail carriers will be collecting food donations as they deliver mail along their routes.

You get mail delivery on Saturdays??

We don’t have mail delivery any day of the week. We have to go to the PO.

doh! :smack:
okay I forgot
fortunately, our chruch has a drop for the food bank. I had stuff set out too.

I set mine out this morning.

I thought everyone got mail delivery on Saturday?!?!?

Indeed. And apparently so do people in 10,000 cities around the country, seeing as how the post office made their food drive on a Saturday. But not to despair if you missed it – many post offices are accepting donations at their facilities, New York and Chicago in particular, are accepting donations throughout the entire week according to the link.

I’m not in the US. I deliver my food donations to the liquor store. Really.

I did indeed make sure my carrier got a bag full o’ goods, and she was very happy to pack it up.

We saved up the cans of food we found in vacated apartments (there is always a bunch). Damn near gave our mailman a hernia yesterday, but he was happy.

Do US mailmen (people) pick up and drop off mail? If they pick up mail how do you pay for the stamp?

The food drive sounds like a groovy thing :slight_smile:

On behalf of Food Pantry-type programs all across the country, I thank all of you who donated or will donate. The Food Bank program I run got 18,000 lbs. of food yesterday from this drive.

If you missed it, your local program will still be happy to see your donation at any time of the year. Trust me on this one! If you don’t have actual food to give, cash is always welcome, too. Even non-profit agencies need to pay the electric bill.

They deliver mail and will pick up mail for sending, if you’ve already got a stamp on it. Six days a week, for us. In Canada, if you get home delivery, it’s only M-F, unless there’s a holiday.

We had an interesting thread about this a (long) while back. Apparently postal carriers are only required to deliver your mail, but since they’re already THERE they might as well pick up your outgoing at the same time.

You can get stamps a myriad of ways: from the physical post office, through “Stamps by Mail” which is where you order them from a catalog the post office puts out and then the mail person brings them to you, or using an online program such as, which enables you to print out postage bar codes right from your printer onto the envelope (or sticker for a package.) (I think you can also now do this from the US Postal Service website.)