Don't know how to feel about this cop's question...

Considering the OP’s posting history here, are you sure you named the correct individual with the attitude?

Jamie, I hope you will take this in the spirit in which it is offered.

Not to be mean or cruel or anything, but the giant chip on your shoulder about your handicap, is making it difficult to see your handsome face.

I mean you complain about people abusing the parking spots and then when a cop tries to make sure that that isn’t what is happening, you complain about that too.

I’ll give you that his question may have been phrased awkwardly and I’ll take your word for it that he had attitude, but why would you expect him to be convinced simply by your waving a placard out the window. And again, given your obvious sensitivity about this topic, is it at least a little bit possible that he sensed attitude from you first? Maybe?

No offense intended, truly. Just a bit of advice from an old person who too often sees insult where none is intended and suspects that may be happening in the situation you have described.

If the cop had really had a bad attitude, he could also have checked your window tint to make sure that it’s not too dark to be legal in that jurisdiction. Just saying.

You mean the history where everyone attacked him, and instead of just lying down and taking it, he fought back? Then everybody treated him like he had a chip on his shoulder rather than realizing they caused it?

As I recall you started a thread where you expected a woman to prove she was handicapped and genuinely needed her placard to you.

It’s almost like, the exact same presumption you start out with every time you hassle somebody for being in the handicapped spot. Huh.

Well, of course he was. Or do you think most cops generally just go after people they are pretty sure AREN"T breaking the law?

And when he was pretty sure things were on the up and up he left you alone. Yeah, he probably could have handled it a bit better but good grief…

., I used to work with a woman who had a legitemate disabled car sticker because her daughter had asthma.

And she abused that sticker like nobodys business.

You should be grateful that that cop was looking out for YOUR interests, if he hadn’t of been you might not have had a parking space to be in in the first place.

There could have been an able bodied assehole sat in the spot.

Then no doubt you’ve have complained that the police weren’t doing their job, and you were put to inconvenience etc.

Cops HAVE to be suspicious by nature, otherwise they can end up dead cops.

They do a thankless job at the best of times on top of laying their lives on the line on a daily basis.

And then you complain because he was trying to look after handicapped peoples rights.

You should be thanking him not bitching about him.

It would serve you right if your local police dept.decided not bother enforcing what are after all YOUR rights anymore because when they do all they get is a kick in the head from the people that they’re trying to help.

Its like moaning that the Fire Dept. made your favourite carpet wet when they were putting out your house fire.

Definitely, most chairborn drive vans [in general - I drive a jetta and have mrAru get the chair out of the trunk as needed if it isn’t a crutch sort of day.] The cop probably figured that anybody in a sports car isnt handicapped :dubious::rolleyes:

I read that as “in general - I drive a jetta and have mrAru get out of the trunk.” :eek:

My aunt (in her 70’s) has one of these mounted on the back of her cars. It’s very easy to use, but it involves being able to hobble around to the back of your car under your own power or having someone with you. Hulluva a lot easier then trying to get a chair out of your trunk (or so I would imagine). The obvious downside being that if she gets caught in the rain without a tarp, it gets soaked. But she has no way of getting a chair in and out of the trunk on her own and she lives alone.

Is this the Meijer’s Thrifty Acres in Flint, with the playground in the middle with the huge plaster animals to play on? If so, this is a shout out. I fondly recall spending many of my parents’ shopping trips playing there.

As to your point, meh. I’ve heard of *you *doing worse when you thought the spot was being used illegally.

Quelle surprise!

ETA: Whoops, sorry, forgot the rule about foreign languages. Whatta surprise!

You shouldn’t have to justify yourself to the cops. The nature of your disability is not a cop’s business, only that you have a legitimate placard.

I know that I see a lot of people using handicapped spaces (with and without the special plates or hangtags) who don’t seem to need them. Now, they could have an “invisible” handicap. Or they could be like my brother-in-law, who borrowed my husband’s car for a week, and delighted in using my hangtag which I kept in the glovebox. He thought it was great to be able to park in a handicapped spot, and told us that “it wouldn’t hurt me none.” I told him that yes, he COULD get a fine for misusing a hangtag, and if I had my hangtag revoked because of misuse, it would hurt him PLENTY.

Nowadays, of course, I keep the hangtag in my purse, even though it’s not as convenient. My car has handicapped plates on it, so I generally don’t have to worry about digging out the hangtag.

So I imagine that the cop WAS expecting to be able to write a ticket for misuse of a hangtag. And I happen to think that cops SHOULD be on the lookout for such misuse.

Thank you. If the cop was concerned about possible fraudulent use, he could have asked for my I.D. There was no need for, “O.K., come on now, how are you disabled?”

Cop sees hot car in handicapped spot.
Cop lights it up.
Cop sees young muscular dude in car, dude shows placard.
Cop attempts to confirm that it is his placard - he should have said “let me see your ID” and confirmed the placard is his, but instead he used the possibly faster, and certainly more classic ‘baffling question technique’, the equivalent of “what’s your sign” when talking to someone with possible false ID. You respond calmly and indicated the wheelchair - if it had been someone else’s chair you might have crumpled under the interrogation.
Cop pushes off.

This sounds pretty close to what you’ve wanted to have happen.

By the way, seen any good movies lately?

The cop can go fuck himself. Unless he moonlights as a physician (actually, even then) he isn’t in a place to determine whether you deserve your placard.

And it probably was a bit of a let down for the cop. Like walking up to a car at an expired meter only to find out that the person is still in there but digging around for change.

And when I asked the young lady if she was in fact disabled (at the PF gym), that was only after I witnessed her get out of her car, basically run into the gym, ambulate problem-free in the gym, work out and even run on a tread mill inside the gym, without any trace of disability. And this is at a place of physical activity. The two situations are not comparable.

Actually, they are. The only difference is that your actions were even douchier than the cop’s because you have no authority at all.