DON'T stump the man in his thirties of average intelligence

The Silence of the Lambs
All the Vietnam movies run together for me. Platoon?
Drawing a blank on this one.

Heres a few more snowmaster.

What event started the first gulf war? What was the US response?

Who was Sam Walton and what business did he start? In what State?

What early act of terrorism (against the US) occurred in Lebanon during Reagan’s presidency?

What was Bill Clinton’s first and biggest scandal? That almost overshadowed his first term?

Who shot J.R.? What iconic show does it reference and the actor? Bonus points if you recall who actually shot him. :wink:

Iraq invaded Kuwait. We drove them back into Iraq but didn’t go into Baghdad. Also put out a lot of oil well fires.

He founded WalMart in Arkansas.

Bombing of the Marine barracks.

Whitewater real estate dealings.

Larry Hagman in Dallas. Don’t know who, though.

Very good. I’m surprised a guy in his thirties knew about the Marine barracks bombing. You were just a young kid then.
I was thinking of Operation Desert Shield on the first question. The defense of Saudi Arabia. But you’re right.

I think J.R.'s mistress shot him? I don’t recall for sure either. :wink:

For sure or for show. For sure
For sure as well, I’m pretty sure. For sure
The undercover cop was killed. This actually could be, the only way I am sure it is used however is if it is used in an ‘enacting’ sense (like, calling 187 rather than having had 187 happen)
What’s up, buddy? Wrong! Got you! So, bra = bro = brother, so it is “what’s up brother?”
Chill out and relax. (This one is too easy, sorry. No points)
Yes the last one was too easy, but it was hard to assess your level of street from this message board.

Good guesses.

How about a few more? Can you finish these song lyrics?

“Black and white are, all I see. In my infancy, red and yellow then __________, lets me see.”
“I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter. I had to fall, ___________, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter.”
“Eating seeds as a pasttime activity, the toxicity of our ____, of our ____.”

Have you ever considered trying out for jeapordy?

Only the middle one sounds familiar to me, but I don’t know the missing word.

Yes, I have considered it; guess I’d better not try out for Don’t Forget The Lyrics, eh?

I’m going to assert that brother is not meant litterally and buddy is interchangeable. I knew bra let to bro.

Morse made it to America, on PBS. Not sure about The Sweeney.

Q: Which President proposed and established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?

Hmm, well, it could be buddy; there are no official rules on slang (mostly). If you knew it was bro then that is good enough.
Meh, you probably know some lyrics, these are all somewhat modern rock/alternative.

TOOL “Black and white are, all I see. In my infancy,** red and yellow then came to be/me, reaching out to me,** lets me see.”
Linkin Park “I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter. I had to fall,** to lose it all**, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter.”
System of a Down “Eating seeds as a pasttime activity, the toxicity of our city, of our city.”

I think I found your achilles heel then :slight_smile:

You know, when I blew the ADA question, I should have been looking up EPA, civil rights act, etc. Would have been a democrat. Carter?

I asked it because I was surprised when I learned it myself.


It depends on what you consider the first gulf war. Back in the eighties, before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, there was a long war between Iraq and Iran. At the time, it was often referred to as the Gulf War.

I’ve only ever known that conflict by the name Iran-Iraq War. Gulf War, to me, exclusively means the H.W. Bush and W. Bush wars.

I have some gamer questions for you:

Which of the following does not belong: Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, Marco, Bison, Zangeif
What game is the following from: Scorpion, sub-zero, sonya
In a first person shooter, a camper is someone who: ___________.
What kinds of cars are F-Zero cars?
In Zelda, the main characters name is _____.

Who is Rosemary Woods? Why was she in the news?

What car was sometimes called a Goat?

Why do environmentalists have so much recreational outrage over anthropogenic global warming, since if it does damage mankind seriously, that would be good for the environment?

Name one song by Taylor Swift.

Ugh, this isn’t going to be pretty.

No idea at all.
An iconic fighting game. Mortal Kombat.
Hangs out in a good hiding place or other advantageous position and waits for trouble to come to them. If done right, this involves getting the drop on said trouble.
Cars that aren’t Formula One? I have a feeling that’ll get me half credit at best. A guess: Cars in an unlimited class with no restrictions on pretty much anything.

I may have done better with Rosemary’s Baby or Rosemary Clooney. Sorry, no idea.

No idea either. A VW Microbus?

Environmentalists (some, anyway) are selfish hypocrites. They want humanity to feel bad about what it’s done, but all but the most extreme want humanity to survive and prosper, just in a more responsible way. Global warming may be caused by people, but it couldn’t be caused by environmentalists, could it? :wink: